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accord noun ⇨ contract (a peace accord) ⇨ in accord ⇨ agreement 2accord verb ⇨ give 1 contract noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ agreement 1 另见agreement条第1义contract ♦︎ treaty ♦︎ accord ♦︎ conventionThese are all words for an official agreement between people, organizations or countries. 这些词均表示合同、合约、协议。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a contract / a treaty / an accord / a convention between sb and sb◆a contract / a treaty / an accord with sb◆a treaty / an accord / a convention on sth◆a contract / a treaty / an accord to do sth◆under (a) contract / a treaty / an accord / a convention◆a draft contract / treaty / accord / convention◆an international contract / treaty / accord / convention◆to sign a contract / a treaty / an accord / a convention◆to comply with a contract / a treaty / an accord / a convention◆to approve a contract / a treaty / an accord / a convention◆to ratify a treaty / an accord / a convention◆to accept / draw up / negotiate / conclude / violate a contract / a treaty / an accord■ contract [countable] a formal written agreement between individuals, companies or organizations (个人、公司或机构间的)合同,合约,契约◆These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller.这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同的一部分。◆They won a contract for the delivery of five fighter planes.他们获得一份交付五架战斗机的合同。◆I was on a three-year fixed-term contract that expired last week.我签订的三年期合同于上周期满。◆She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major US computer firm.她已签约为美国一家大型计算机公司工作。◆All employees have a written contract of employment.每个员工都有一份书面聘用合同。◆The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not legally binding before contracts are signed).报价已获接受,尚待签约确实。◆They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract).他们被指控违约。 see also contract ⇨ employ verb ■ treaty [countable] a formal agreement between two or more countries (国家间的)条约,协定◆The government concluded a peace treaty with the rebels.政府和叛乱者签订了和平协定。◆The new law may be in breach of the Treaty of Rome.这项新法可能违反《罗马条约》。■ accord /əˈkɔːd; NAmE əˈkɔːrd/ [countable] a formal agreement between two organizations or countries (两个机构或国家间的)协议,条约◆The countries drew up accords on economic and technical cooperation.两国草拟了经济和技术合作协议。■ convention [countable] a formal agreement between countries or leaders (国家或首脑间的)公约,协定,协议◆This is forbidden under the European Convention on Human Rights.这是《欧洲人权公约》所禁止的。◆Over 60 countries have yet to ratify the climate convention.超过60个国家还有待落实气候公约。NOTE 辨析 Treaty, accord or convention?A treaty and an accord are both official agreements between countries, for example concerned with restoring peace after a conflict, or trade, military or economic cooperation. Both are used in the names of particular agreements, often using the name of the place in which they were signed. * treaty和accord均指国家间的正式协定、条约,例如冲突之后恢复和平,或者贸易、军事或经济合作方面的。两个词均用于具体协定名称,常以签署地命名◆the Treaty of Rome《罗马条约》◆the Algiers Accord《阿尔及尔协定》An accord can also be an official agreement between organizations, such as between a government and a trade union. A convention is an international agreement between several countries. It usually contains rules about a particular activity, for example the sale of weapons, the treatment of refugees or controlling pollution. Conventions usually try to control a problem which affects many countries, and by signing the convention a country agrees to apply the rules or standards within it. * accord亦可指组织之间签署的正式协议,如政府和工会之间。convention是若干国家签署的国际协定,内容通常比较具体,例如武器销售、难民安置或污染控制等。convention通常是为了控制影响多国的问题,通过签署协定,一国同意遵守其条例或标准。 agreement2 noun sign an agreement with sb 与某人签订协议be in agreement with sb 与某人看法一致agreement ♦︎ unity ♦︎ consensus ♦︎ solidarity ♦︎ harmony ♦︎ consent ♦︎ in accord ♦︎ identity ♦︎ unanimityThese are all words for a situation in which people share opinions or feelings. 这些词均表示观点或感受一致。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆by agreement / consensus / consent◆in agreement / unity / harmony / accord◆in agreement / unity / solidarity / harmony / accord with sb / sth◆agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / identity / unanimity among people◆agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / identity between people◆agreement / consensus / solidarity / unanimity over sth◆agreement / consensus / unanimity about / on sth◆agreement / consensus / unanimity that...◆apparent agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / consent / unanimity◆complete agreement / unity / consensus / harmony / accord / identity / unanimity◆common / general / unspoken agreement / consensus / consent◆political / social agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony■ agreement [uncountable] the state of sharing the same opinion or feeling (观点或感受)一致◆Are we in agreement about the price?我们对价格问题达成共识了吗?◆He nodded in agreement.他点头表示同意。◆The two sides failed to reach agreement.双方未能取得一致意见。◆There was broad agreement on what was needed.在需要什么这个问题上,已经取得广泛共识。OPP disagreement ⇨ debate ■ unity / /ˈjuːnəti/ / [uncountable, singular] the state of being in agreement and working together 团结一致◆Complete political unity is impossible to achieve.政治上完全的团结一致是不可能达到的。◆The dispute has destroyed unity among the workers.这场争论已经破坏了工人队伍的团结。OPP disunity ⇨ division 2 ■ consensus / /kənˈsensəs/ / [singular, uncountable] an opinion that all members of a group agree with 一致的意见;共识◆There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.教师对必须加强学校的安保有普遍的共识。◆There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue.对这个问题的看法日趋一致。◆She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋,从而达成共识。■ solidarity / /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti; NAmE ˌsɑːlɪˈdærəti/ [uncountable] support by one person or group for another because they share feelings, opinions or aims 团结;齐心协力;相互支持◆Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers.举行示威游行以示对绝食抗议者的支持。ⓘ Solidarity is a term used especially in the context of strikes and industrial relations. * solidarity尤用于罢工和劳资关系语境中。■ harmony [uncountable] a state of peaceful existence and agreement 融洽;和睦◆These communities lived in greater harmony with the environment than modern urban societies.与现代都市社会相比,这些群落生活得与环境更加和谐。◆The measures are designed to promote racial harmony (= the peaceful coexistence of people of different races).这些措施旨在促进种族和睦。■ consent /kənˈsent/ / [uncountable] a situation in which a decision is made or an opinion is held by two or more people 同意;一致◆The marriage ended by mutual consent (= with the agreement of both husband and wife).夫妻双方同意结束婚姻关系。◆The museum bought the collection for $2 million, by common consent (= everyone thinks it is) a very good price.博物馆以200万元的价格买下了这批收藏品,大家一致认为这是个好价钱。■ in accord idiom (formal) in agreement 一致;符合◆This action would not be in accord with our policy.这一行动与我们的方针不符。◆Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.植物学家对总共存在多少物种的看法并不完全一致。■ identity [uncountable] (rather formal) the state of feeling or being very similar to and able to understand sb/sth 认同;相同;一致◆The two companies started working together as a result of a clear identity of interest.由于利益明显一致,两家公司开始合作。◆The close identity between the fans and the team has been eroded.球迷与球队间彼此认同的关系已经受到损害。■ unanimity / /ˌjuːnəˈnɪməti/ / (rather formal, written) complete agreement about sth among a group of people 一致同意;全体赞同◆We won't all agree, but we need to achieve a degree of unanimity.不可能没有意见分歧,但我们需要取得一定程度的一致。▸ unanimous / /juˈnænɪməs/ / adjective ◆a unanimous vote / decision / verdict全体通过的表决/决定/裁决▸ unanimously adverb ◆The motion was passed unanimously.这一动议获一致通过。 give1 verb give sb a present 送给某人礼物Give your mother the letter. 把信交给你母亲。give sb drugs/advice/a punishment 给予某人药物/建议/惩罚give sb a headache/an air of mystery 令某人头疼/有一种神秘感give money to charity/give blood 向慈善机构捐款;献血give ♦︎ award ♦︎ present ♦︎ confer ♦︎ transfer ♦︎ accord ♦︎ bestow ♦︎ lavish sth on/upon sb/sthThese words all mean to allow sb to have sth. 这些词均表示给予、授予。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to give / award / present / transfer / accord sth to sb◆to confer / bestow / lavish sth on sb◆to give / award / accord sb sth◆to give / present / bestow gifts◆to lavish gifts on / upon sb / sth◆to give / present / bestow an award◆to give / award / present a prize◆to give / confer / accord / bestow (a / an) honour / title / status◆to confer / bestow a favour◆to give / accord / bestow an accolade■ give (gave, given) [transitive, intransitive] hand sth to sb as a present; to allow sb to have sth as a present 赠送;赠与;送给◆What are you giving your father for his birthday?你打算给你父亲送什么生日礼物?◆Did you give the waiter a tip?你给服务员小费了吗?◆We don't usually give presents to people at work.我们一般不给同事送礼。◆They say it's better to give than to receive.人们说施比受有福。■ award [transitive] to make an official decision to give sth to sb as a payment or prize 授予;奖励;判给◆He was awarded damages of £50 000.他判得损害赔偿金5万英镑。◆The judges awarded equal points to both finalists.裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。ⓘ Typical collocates of award are points, prize, trophy and compensation and damages. * award的常见搭配词有point、prize、trophy、compensation和damage。 see also award ⇨ award noun , award ⇨ compensation noun , grant ⇨ allow ■ present [transitive] to give sth to sb, especially formally at a ceremony (尤指在仪式上正式)把⋯交给,颁发,授予◆The local MP will start the race and present the prizes.当地议员将鸣枪开赛并颁奖。◆The sword was presented by the family to the museum.这家人将那把剑捐赠给了博物馆。◆On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.在他退休时,同事们赠给了他一套高尔夫球棒。ⓘ Note that you can present sth, you can present sb with sth, or you can present sth to sb. 注意,要说present sth、present sb with sth或present sth to sb。■ confer / /kənˈfɜː(r)/ / (-rr-) [transitive] (formal) to give sb an award, a university degree or a particular honour or right 授予(奖项、学位、荣誉或权利)◆An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2005.牛津大学于2005年授予他荣誉学位。■ transfer / /trænsˈfɜː(r)/ / (-rr-) [transitive] to officially arrange for sth to belong to sb else or for sb else to control sth (正式)转让;让与◆He transferred the property to his son.他把财产转让给了儿子。■ accord [transitive] (formal) to give sb/sth authority, status or a particular type of treatment 给予,赠予,授予(权力、地位或某种待遇)◆Our society accords the family great importance.我们的社会赋予家庭十分重要的地位。◆There were complaints about the special treatment accorded to some minority groups.对一些少数群体给予特殊待遇招致了怨言。ⓘ Accord is often used to talk about the status and recognition that people give particular groups such as a particular profession or religion in society. * accord常指给予社会中特定职业或宗教等特定群体地位和认可。■ bestow /bɪˈstəʊ; NAmE bɪˈstoʊ/ [transitive] (formal) to give sth to sb, especially to show how much they are respected (将⋯)给予,授予,献给(尤指为显示受尊重程度)◆It was a title bestowed upon him by the king.那是国王赐给他的头衔。ⓘ Bestow is most often used to talk about giving rights, respect, honours and titles to people, but it can also be used to talk about special gifts given to people to show how much they are respected. * bestow最常与right、respect、honour和title搭配,但亦可指赠予特殊礼物以示尊重。■ ˈlavish sth on sb/sth■ ˈlavish sth upon sb/sth phrasal verb (written) to give a lot of sth, often too much, to sb/sth 过分给予;滥施◆She lavishes most of her attention on her youngest son.她对小儿子过于关爱。ⓘ Typical collocates of lavish sth on/upon sb/sth are gifts, praise and attention. * lavish sth on/upon sb/sth的常见搭配词有gift、praise和attention。 |