

单词 lose
lose verb
lose (We lost 2–0.) escape (lose your pursuers) leave4 (lose your keys) waste (lose time) lose heart, lose hope despair lose your temper lose your temper


lose ♦︎ trail ♦︎ come off worseThese words all mean to fail to win sth such as a game or contest. 这些词均表示在比试中落败。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to lose / trail / come off worse in sthto lose / trail by sthto lose / trail badly lose (lost, lost) [intransitive, transitive] to fail to win a game, competition, contest, court case, argument, fight or war 输;输掉(比赛、诉讼案件、辩论、搏斗或战争)They deserved to lose.他们输了活该。We lost to a stronger team.我们输给了一支实力更强的队。Newcastle lost 1-0 in the rematch.纽卡斯尔队在复赛中以0:1负于对手。So far they haven't lost a game.迄今为止他们还未输过一场比赛。He lost the seat by less than 100 votes.他以相差不到100张选票失去了这个席位。She resigned as party leader after they lost the election.该党在竞选失败后,她辞去了党主席的职务。He yesterday lost his appeal against a six-month ban.他就六个月的禁令提出的申诉昨天未获成功。The South lost the war.南方输掉了战争。 OPP win win trail [intransitive, transitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to be losing a game or other contest; to be doing less well than others (在比赛或竞赛中)落后,失利,失败;(比别人)逊色United were trailing 2-0 at half-time.上半时联队以0:2落后。We were trailing by five points.我们落后五分。The party is trailing in the polls.这个政党在民意测验中落后于对手。OPP lead lead 1 come off ˈworse ( come off ˈworst)


(came, come) (rather informal) to lose a fight or competition; to suffer more compared with others (在打斗或比赛中)失败;(比其他人)更惨I came off worse from the encounter.我在那次交锋中落败。He wasn't a quick thinker and always came off worse in an argument.他思维不够敏捷,在辩论中总是败北。OPP come off better/best


escape ♦︎ get away ♦︎ elude ♦︎ evade ♦︎ loseThese words all mean to get away from sb who is chasing you or a dangerous situation that threatens you. 这些词均表示摆脱、逃走。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to escape / get away from sb / sthto escape / evade being captured, hit, killed, etc.to escape / get away from / elude / evade / lose your pursuersto escape / elude / evade capture / detection / the policeto escape / evade arrestto manage to escape sb / get away from sb / elude sb / evade sb escape [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to get away from or avoid an unpleasant or dangerous situation or event; to suffer no harm or less harm than you would expect 摆脱;逃离;逃脱;幸免于难She managed to escape from the burning car.她好不容易从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。 (figurative) As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own.小时候他常常躲进自己的梦幻世界。There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.他体重超标这一事实是无法回避了。The police will not escape criticism in this affair.在这件事情上,警方免不了会受到批评。She managed to escape the fate of the other rebels.她总算逃过了其他造反者的厄运。The pilot escaped death by seconds.这名飞行员在生死瞬间逃出生天。He narrowly escaped being killed.他险些丧命。She only just escaped with her life.她好险捡回了自己的命。Both drivers escaped unhurt.两名司机都幸免于难,安然无恙。You can escape being caught or punished. * escape可以指躲避抓捕或逃避惩罚to escape detection / capture / arrest / justice / prosecution / conviction / punishment / prison逃避侦查;躲避抓捕;躲避逮捕;逃避正义;险些被起诉;险些被定罪;摆脱惩罚;险些被送监Note that to escape prison means to avoid being sent to prison; to get out of prison once you have been sent there is to escape from prison. You can also escape being killed or injured. 注意escape prison指险些被送进监狱,表示越狱时用escape from prison。escape还可以表示险些丧命或受伤to escape death / assassination / the massacre / drowning / injury / being hit / the fighting死里逃生;差点被暗杀;在大屠杀中幸免遇难;险些溺水而死;险些受伤;差点被击中;躲过了那一战You can escape being blamed for sth * escape还表示免于受指责to escape blame / censure / criticism / sb's wrath免遭指责;免受审查;免遭批评;免于承受某人的怒火or you can escape your fate or destiny or other serious problems such as bankruptcy or a recession. People are often lucky to escape sth, especially if they only just or narrowly escape. * escape亦指规避严重问题,如与fate、destiny搭配表示逃避厄运、天命,与bankruptcy、recession搭配表示免于破产、经济衰退。因运气好逃过一劫用be lucky to escape sth,表示好险逃过可加上副词only just或narrowly。 escape


[countable, uncountable] I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped).我侥幸脱险。There was no hope of escape from her disastrous marriage.她无望从不幸的婚姻中解脱出来。As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.他只要一转身,她就会逃走。
ˌget aˈway

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to escape from a person, place or situation 摆脱(某人或某种处境);逃离(某地)He felt that he had to get away from home, away from his parents and their efforts to rule his life.他觉得必须要逃离他的家,逃离他的父母,逃离父母对他人生的掌控。You'd better get away-the soldiers are coming.你赶快逃吧,那些士兵马上就要来了。 getaway


[countable, usually singular] We'll have to make a quick getaway.我们得赶快逃走。a getaway car逃跑用的汽车
elude / /iˈluːd/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to avoid or escape from sb/sth, especially in a clever way (尤指机敏地)避开,逃避,躲避The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.这两个男人想方设法避过了警方追捕达六个星期之久。How did the killer elude detection for so long?杀手怎么能躲过侦缉这么久? evade / /ɪˈveɪd/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to avoid or escape from sb/sth 避开;逃避;躲避For two weeks they evaded the press.他们有两个星期一直躲着记者。He managed to evade capture.他设法逃脱了抓捕。NOTE 辨析 Elude or evade?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用to elude / evade detection / capture / the police / your pursuers躲避侦查;逃脱追捕;躲避警察/追捕者 Elude emphasizes the skill or cleverness required to avoid being caught; evade simply emphasizes the fact of not being caught. * elude强调躲避追捕时的机智灵敏,evade仅强调没有被抓到的事实。 lose (lost, lost) [transitive] to escape from sb/sth who is following or chasing you 摆脱,逃脱(尾随或追赶的人)We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness.我们总算在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。


It's time we left. 我们该走了。leave home/school 离家;离校leave your job 辞职leave sb/sth behind 丢下某人;忘了带某物leave your husband/wife 抛弃丈夫/妻子leave sb in charge 委托某人负责leave ♦︎ lose ♦︎ forget ♦︎ mislayThese words all mean to not have sth because you forgot to take it with you or you do not know where it is. 这些词均表示忘记带或丢失某物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to leave / lose / forget / mislay your keys / wallet / bag leave (left, left) [transitive] to go away from a place without taking sb/sth with you 忘记带(某物);丢下(某人)I left my bag on the bus.我把包落在了公共汽车上。I've left my phone somewhere but I can't remember where.我把手机落在了某个地方,但一时记不起是哪里。He wasn't well, so we had to leave him behind.他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。 lose (lost, lost) [transitive] to be unable to find sb/sth 遗失;丢失I've lost my keys.我的钥匙不见了。The tickets seem to have got lost.那些票好像给弄丢了。We've lost Alfie-is he with you?我们和阿尔菲走散了-他和你在一起吗? forget (forgot, forgotten) [transitive] to not remember or bring or buy sb/sth that you ought to bring or buy 忘记(带或买等)I forgot my purse.我忘了带钱包。Hey, don't forget me (= don't leave without me).喂,走时别落下我。If you want to mention the place where you left sth, use leave, not forget. 表示把某物遗忘在某处,要用leave,不用forgetI forgot my bag on the bus. OPP remember remember see also forget fail 1 mislay / /ˌmɪsˈleɪ/ / (mislaid, mislaid) [transitive] (especially BrE, rather formal) to put sth somewhere and then be unable to find it again, especially for only a short time 随意搁置,乱放(而一时找不到)I seem to have mislaid my keys.我好像不知道把钥匙放在哪儿了。Don't worry-I'm sure it's not lost, just mislaid.别着急,我确信不会丢的,准是随手搁在哪儿了。


waste ♦︎ lose ♦︎ throw sth away ♦︎ squander ♦︎ blow ♦︎ splurgeThese words all mean to use or spend a lot of sth, especially on sth that is not necessary or useful. 这些词均表示浪费、挥霍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow / splurge sth on sthto waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow / splurge moneyto waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow a fortuneto waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow a / an chance / opportunityto waste / throw away / squander your life waste [transitive] (disapproving) to use more money, time, food, energy, etc. than is necessary or useful; to not make good or full use of a person or opportunity; to offer or say sth good where it is not valued 浪费(金钱、时间、食物、精力等);未充分利用(某人或机会);白费(好意)Why waste money on clothes you don't need?为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢?You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him (= because he will not understand).你跟他解释是在浪费时间。His talents are wasted in that job.他做那工作太屈才了。You're wasted as a sales manager-you should have been an actor.你做销售经理太可惜了-你应该当演员。Don't waste your sympathy on her-she got what she deserved.别把你的同情心浪费在她身上-她是咎由自取。 see also wasteful extravagant waste


[uncountable, singular] I hate unnecessary waste.我讨厌不必要的浪费。I hate to see good food go to waste (= be thrown away).我不愿看到好好的食物被扔掉。These meetings are a complete waste of time.开这样的会完全是浪费时间。
lose (lost, lost) [transitive] to waste time, money or an opportunity 浪费(时间或金钱);错过(机会)We lost twenty minutes changing a tyre.我们换轮胎耽误了二十分钟。Hurry-there's no time to lose.快点-没时间了。We lost a lot of money on that deal.那笔买卖我们赔了不少钱。Lose in this meaning is less disapproving than waste: it often suggests that time or money has been wasted through an unfortunate accident rather than through sb's fault. 表达此义时,lose较waste所含贬义少,常指时间或金钱的浪费不是某人的过错造成,而是不幸事故所致。 ˌthrow sth aˈway

phrasal verb

(threw, thrown) (rather informal, disapproving) to waste your life or an opportunity or money in a stupid or careless way 浪费(生命);错过(机会);白费(金钱)You had everything you ever wanted and you threw it all away.你曾有过你想要的一切,却都一一浪费了。The team threw away a three-goal lead.这个队白白失去了领先三个球的优势。
squander /ˈskwɒndə(r); NAmE ˈskwɑːndər/ [transitive] (disapproving) to waste money, time, energy or an opportunity in a stupid or careless way 浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间、精力或机会)The company squandered millions on two dead-end projects.这家公司在两个没有前途的项目上浪费了数百万。The team squandered several good scoring chances.这个队白白断送了几次得分的良机。 blow (blew, blown) [transitive] (informal, disapproving) to waste money or an opportunity in a stupid or careless way 挥霍(金钱);浪费(机会)He inherited over a million dollars and blew it all on drink and gambling.他继承了一百多万元,全都挥霍在酗酒和赌博上了。You had your chance and you blew it.你本来有机会,但却没有抓住。NOTE 辨析 Throw sth away, squander or blow? Blow is the most informal of these and squander the least. Throw away is used less to talk about money and more to talk about other things. Blow is mostly used to talk about money and in the phrases blow your chances and blow it. * blow是这组词里最不正式的,squander是最正式的。throw away较少指浪费金钱,较多指浪费其他东西。blow最常指挥霍钱财,也常用于短语blow your chances和blow it中。 splurge [transitive, intransitive] (informal, sometimes disapproving) to spend a lot of money at one time on sth that you do not really need 乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍He splurged his whole week's wages on a champagne dinner.整整一周的工资,他一顿香槟晚餐就挥霍得一干二净。


despair ♦︎ give up hope ♦︎ lose hope ♦︎ lose heartThese words all mean to stop believing that sth you want will happen. 这些词均表示灰心绝望、丧失信心。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to despair / give up hope / lose hope of sthto despair / give up hope that...to almost despair / give up hope / lose hopeto never give up hope / lose hope / lose heartto give up / lose all hopeDon't despair / give up hope. despair /dɪˈspeə(r); NAmE dɪˈsper/ [intransitive] to stop believing that there is any possibility that a bad situation will change or improve 绝望;灰心;失去希望Don't despair! We'll think of a way out of this.别灰心!我们会找到出路的。They'd almost despaired of ever having children.他们对生孩子几乎不抱任何希望了。I despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months.我对他绝望了,他做任何工作都不超过半年。 give up ˈhope


(gave, given)to stop believing that sth you want will happen 放弃希望;丧失信心Don't give up hope yet.别这么快失去信心。They have given up hope of finding any more survivors.他们对再找到幸存者已不抱希望了。 see also hope hope noun 1
lose ˈhope


(lost, lost)to stop believing that sth you want will happen 失去希望;丧失信心We have lost all hope of a negotiated settlement.我们对谈判解决已失去所有希望了。I never lost hope, even when I was told I would never walk again.我从不灰心丧气,即使在得知再也不能走路的时候也是如此。 see also hope hope noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Give up hope or lose hope?You often lose hope gradually as a situation gets worse or the chances of sth happening seem to get less. You give up hope when you realize at a particular point that sth is not going to happen as you want. * lose hope常指由于情况恶化或某事发生的可能性减小而逐渐失去希望,give up hope则指在某个时刻意识到某事不可能如自己所愿而放弃希望。
lose ˈheart


(lost, lost)to stop hoping for sth or trying to do sth because you have not been successful so far and you no longer feel confident 丧失信心;泄气We mustn't lose heart just because of a temporary setback.我们切莫仅因暂时的挫折就丧失信心。OPP take heart If you take heart, you start to feel more positive about sth. * take heart表示开始对某事增强信心The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls.政府可以从最近的民意测验中找回信心。
lose your temper


lose your temper ♦︎ get angry ♦︎ get mad ♦︎ go mad ♦︎ lose patience ♦︎ go berserkThese expressions all mean to become angry or very angry and show this in the way you talk or behave. 这些词语均表示生气、发怒、大发脾气。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达生气的程度
lose patiencelose your tempergo mad
get angrygo berserk
get mad
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to lose your temper / get angry / get mad / lose patience with sbto lose your temper / get angry / get mad / go mad at sthto lose your temper / get angry over sth lose your ˈtemper


(lost, lost)to fail to control your anger 发脾气She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.她对一个顾客发脾气,冲着他大喊大叫。Try to ignore it. It's not worth losing your temper over.尽量别去理会,这不值得你发脾气。 OPP keep your temper see also temper temper
get ˈangry


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to become angry 发怒;生气Please don't get angry with me. I'm trying my best.请不要冲我发脾气,我在尽最大努力。NOTE 辨析 Lose your temper or get angry?If you lose your temper you show it in your behaviour, for example by shouting at sb. If you get angry, you might shout but the emphasis is more on your feelings and less on your behaviour. * lose your temper指在行为举止中表现出生气,如冲着某人大喊大叫;get angry也可能会喊叫,但其侧重点更多在情绪方面而非在行为举止上。
get ˈmad


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (NAmE, informal) to become angry 发怒;生气Please don't get mad at me.请不要冲我发脾气。He got mad and walked out.他愤然离去。
go ˈmad


(goes, went, gone) (BrE, informal) to become very angry and fail to control your anger 非常生气;气炸了She went mad when I told her.我告诉她时,她非常生气。NOTE 辨析 Get mad or go mad? Get mad is the usual expression for 'to become angry' in informal American English. Go mad is British English and is a stronger expression, used when sb becomes very angry and shows it, for example by shouting. Go mad can also mean 'go crazy' or 'get very excited'. * get mad指生气或发怒,常用于非正式美式英语;go mad为英式英语,语气较强,指非常生气且表现出来,例如喊叫。go mad也可表示“发疯”或“欣喜若狂”。
lose ˈpatience


(lost, lost)to become annoyed or angry 恼怒;生气;不耐烦People have lost patience with the slow pace of reform.改革步履缓慢,民众已失去耐心。
go berserk


(goes, went, gone)to become very angry and fail to control your anger 盛怒;暴跳如雷He went berserk when he found out where I'd been.他弄清我去过什么地方之后勃然大怒。




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