

单词 olect_oven_0


oven ♦︎ stove ♦︎ microwave ♦︎ cooker ♦︎ furnace ♦︎ kiln ♦︎ hobThese are all words for a piece of equipment for cooking or baking things. 这些词均表示炊具、炉子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in the oven / microwave / furnace / kilnon the stove / cooker / hoba / an gas / electric oven / stove / cooker / furnace / kiln / hobto heat sth in / on the oven / stove / microwave / cooker / furnace / hobto cook sth in / on the oven / stove / microwave / cooker / hobto bake sth in an oven / a kilnto light the oven / stoveto fire a furnace / kiln oven [countable] a piece of equipment shaped like a box with a door on the front, in which food is cooked or heated. An oven is usually part of a stove or cooker. 烤箱,烤炉(通常是stove或cooker的一部分)Take the cake out of the oven.把蛋糕从烤箱中取出来吧。Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.将烤炉预热至180摄氏度。Bake them in a warm oven until risen and golden brown.把它们放在热烤炉里烤,直至发酵膨胀起来并变成黄褐色。 stove / /stəʊv; NAmE stoʊv/ [countable] (especially NAmE) a large piece of equipment for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top (带烤箱、燃气炉或电炉的)厨灶,炉具She put a pan of water on the stove.她在灶上放了一锅水。 (NAmE, BrE) Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking).人们大都不愿意老围着灶台转。In British English a stove is usually called a cooker. In American English stove is also used to mean just the top part of the stove/cooker with the gas or electric rings (called burners in American English). The British English word for this is hob. 在英式英语中,stove通常称作cooker。在美式英语中,stove亦可指带煤气灶火圈(美式英语称burner)的炉盘。在英式英语中,炉盘称为hob。 see also stove heating microwave /ˈmaɪkrəweɪv/ / ( formal ˌmicrowave ˈoven) [countable] a type of oven that cooks or heats food very quickly using electromagnetic waves rather than heat 微波炉You can always reheat the soup in the microwave.你随时可以把汤放到微波炉里重新热一下。He lives on a diet of fast food and microwave meals.他一日三餐就吃快餐和预制微波食品。 cooker [countable] (BrE) a stove (带烤箱、燃气炉或电炉的)厨灶,炉具All the flats are fitted with gas cookers.所有公寓都安装了燃气厨灶。 furnace /ˈfɜːnɪs; NAmE ˈfɜːrnɪs/ [countable] an enclosed space or room for heating metal or glass to very high temperatures 熔炉Iron ore is melted in a blast furnace to extract the metal.将铁矿石放在高炉里熔化以炼出铁。 kiln [countable] a large oven for baking clay and bricks or drying wood and grain The vases are then fired in a kiln.然后把这些花瓶放在窑里烧。 hob [countable] (BrE) the top part of a cooker where food is cooked in pans on gas or electric rings; a similar surface that is built into a kitchen unit and is separate from the oven 炉盘;厨房烤炉搁架The wok can be used on both gas or electric hobs.这种炒菜锅在燃气炉或电炉炉盘上使用均可。The American English word for this is stove. 美式英语中表达此义的词是stove。




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