

单词 mood
mood noun
mood (in a bad mood) atmosphere (the mood of the meeting) temper (in such a mood) in a good mood cheerful


mood ♦︎ morale ♦︎ spirits ♦︎ frame of mindThese are all words for the way you are feeling at a particular time. 这些词均表示情绪、心情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in (a) (good / better, etc.) mood / spirits / frame of mindin the mood / frame of mind for sthin the mood / frame of mind to do sth(a) good / better mood / morale / spirits / frame of minda happy / confident / cheerful / calm / determined / positive / relaxed mood / frame of mindthe right / wrong mood / frame of mindsb's morale is / spirits are high / lowto get into / put sb in a (good / positive, etc.) mood / frame of mindto lift / raise sb's morale / spiritssb's mood / morale / spirits improve / improvessb's mood / spirits lift / lifts mood [countable] the way you are feeling at a particular time 情绪;心情She's in a good mood today.她今天心情很好。I'm just not in the mood for a party.我就是没心情参加聚会。The news had put Michelle in a foul mood.那消息让米歇尔的情绪糟透了。Some addicts suffer violent mood swings (= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug.一些吸毒成瘾的人一旦没有毒品就会出现激烈的情绪波动。 see also mood temper morale /məˈrɑːl; NAmE məˈræl/ [uncountable] the amount of confidence and enthusiasm that a person or group has at a particular time 士气Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.此刻众选手士气高昂。 see also demoralize discourage 2 , demoralized depressed spirits [plural] the way you are feeling at a particular time, especially whether you are feeling good and positive or bad and negative 情绪;心境She isn't in the best of spirits today.她今天心绪不佳。She was tired and her spirits were low.她累了,情绪不高。NOTE 辨析 Morale and spirits Morale and spirits are usually described as either high or low and verbs used to describe sb's morale or spirits often involve movement up or down. 通常用high或low描述morale和spirits;与morale或spirits搭配的动词常涉及上升或下降to lift / raise sb's morale / spirits提高某人的士气;振奋某人的精神sb's spirits lift / rise / soar某人的心情高兴起来;某人情绪高昂The competition will boost children's morale and self-esteem.竞争会增强儿童的士气和自尊。We sang songs to keep our spirits up.我们唱歌以保持高昂的情绪。My spirits sank at the thought of starting all over again.想到一切都得从头再来,我的情绪一下子低落了。 ˌframe of ˈmind [singular] the way you feel or think about sth at a particular time 心态;心绪We'll discuss this when you're in a better frame of mind.等你心情好一些我们再讨论这件事。


atmosphere ♦︎ climate ♦︎ mood ♦︎ tone ♦︎ spirit ♦︎ aura ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ feel ♦︎ flavourThese are all words for the general sense or feeling that you have in a particular place or situation. 这些词均表示气氛、氛围。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the general atmosphere / climate / mood / tone / spirit / feeling / feel / flavouran international atmosphere / climate / feel / flavour(a) hostile atmosphere / climate / tonea festive atmosphere / mood / spirit / feela welcoming atmosphere / aura / feelthe political atmosphere / climate / mood / tone / flavourto create an atmosphere / a climate / a mood / a spirit / an aura / a feeling / a feelto reflect the atmosphere / climate / mood / tone / spirit / feeling (of sth)to capture the atmosphere / mood / tone / spirit / feeling / flavour of sthto evoke an atmosphere / a mood / a spirit / a feelingto take on an atmosphere / a tone / an aura / a feel / a flavourto convey an atmosphere / a mood / a spirit / a feeling / a flavour atmosphere [countable, uncountable] the way that a particular place or situation feels to you; a feeling between two people or in a group of people 气氛;氛围The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service.这家旅馆令人感觉亲切且服务周到。The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity.这些孩子在充满暴力和无安全感的环境中长大。The old house is full of atmosphere (= it is very interesting).这座老房子情趣盎然。There was an atmosphere of mutual respect between them.他们之间有一种相互尊敬的氛围。 climate [countable] the general attitude or feeling among people at a particular time; a set of conditions which exist in a particular place 倾向;风气;环境气氛The new policies have created a climate of fear.这些新政策制造了一种恐怖的气氛。There's been a change in the climate of opinion (= what people generally are thinking about a particular issue).舆论倾向有了转变。He admitted that the economic climate has rarely been worse.他承认经济气候从来没这么糟过。Climate of is often used with negative words such as fear, suspicion, distrust, despair and hostility. * climate of常与表示负面情绪的词连用,如fear、suspicion、distrust、despair和hostility等。 mood [singular] the way a group of people feel about sth; the atmosphere among a group of people 气氛;氛围The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.这次会议的气氛显然很悲观。We need a leader who can gauge the popular mood.我们需要一位能揣摩民众氛围的领导人。The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly.这部影片恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。NOTE 辨析 Atmosphere or mood?An atmosphere belongs especially to a place, and may stay the same over a period of time; a mood belongs to a group of people at a particular time and may change as time passes. * atmosphere尤指属于某个地方的氛围,可能持续一段时间而不发生变化;mood属于某一群人在特定时间内的气氛,可能会随着时间发生变化The hotel offers a friendly mood. The children grew up in a mood of violence. a leader who can gauge the popular atmosphere tone [singular] the general character and attitude of sth such as a piece of writing or the atmosphere of an event 风格;气氛;情调The overall tone of the book is gently nostalgic.这本书的整体格调是温情的怀旧。The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case.这篇文章基调温和,不偏不倚。She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company policy.她坚定地说明了公司的方针,为这次会议定下了调子。Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation!你说话又格调低下了! spirit [singular] the typical or most important quality or mood of sth 本质;精髓;基本精神The exhibition captures the spirit of the Swinging Sixties.这个展览会抓住了上世纪六十年代活跃时髦的时代精神。His poetry summed up the spirit of the age.他的诗歌浓缩了时代的精神。 Spirit is used especially to talk about how people are feeling, their attitudes and their behaviour at a particular period in time. * spirit尤指人们在特定时期的感受、态度和行为the spirit of the 70s / the age / the times / the Enlightenment70年代/那个年代/时代/启蒙运动的精神 aura / /ˈɔːrə/ / [countable] a quality or feeling that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place 气氛;氛围;气质There was a faint aura of mystery about him.他隐隐透着几分神秘感。The mountains have a magical aura.那群山有股神奇的力量。 see also air appearance feeling [singular] the atmosphere or character of a place or situation and the effect it has on how people feel (场所或情况给人的)气氛,情调They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre.他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。There was a general feeling of change in the air.当时有一种普遍向往变革的气氛。 see also feel seem feel [singular] the impression or atmosphere that is created by a place or situation (场所或情况给人的)印象,感受,气氛It's a big city but it has the feel of a small town.这是座大城市,却给人以小城镇的印象。There is an international feel to the restaurant.这家饭店让人感到很国际化。 flavour (BrE) (NAmE flavor) [singular] a particular quality or atmosphere that sth has that reminds you of sth else (使产生联想的)特点,特色,气氛The children experience a flavour of medieval life.孩子们有了一次类似中世纪生活的经历。The music festival has taken on a distinctly German flavour.这个音乐节带有浓郁的德国特色。


temper ♦︎ tantrum ♦︎ rage ♦︎ mood ♦︎ sulk ♦︎ huffThese are all words for a short period of angry behaviour or of feeling angry. 这些词均表示发脾气、怒气、不悦。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达发脾气的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be in a temper / rage / huff at / about / over sthin a temper / rage / mood / sulk / huffa violent temper / tantrum / rageto have a temper / a tantrum / the sulksto get in a temper / rage / huffto fly into a temper / rage temper [countable, usually singular, uncountable] if sb has a temper, they get angry easily 脾气;易怒的性情He has a short / quick temper (= gets angry very easily).他是个急性子。You must learn to control your temper.你得学会捺住性子。After an hour of waiting tempers began to fray (= people began to get angry).等了一个小时后,大伙开始冒火了。She broke the plates in a fit of temper.她一气之下把盘子都摔碎了。A temper is also a short period of feeling very angry. * temper亦指一阵暴怒、怒气She says awful things when she's in a temper.她一发脾气说话就很难听。 see also lose your temper lose your temper tantrum / /ˈtæntrəm/ / [countable] a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child (尤指儿童)耍脾气,使性子They claimed she threw tantrums and was difficult to work with.他们说她爱使性子,很难一起工作。Young children often have temper tantrums.小孩子经常爱使性子。 rage [countable] a period of violent anger that is difficult to control 暴怒;狂怒Sue stormed out in a rage.苏大发雷霆。She attacked him in a jealous rage.她因妒忌而发怒攻击他。 see also rage anger noun mood [countable] a period of being angry or impatient 坏心境;坏脾气I wonder why he's in such a mood today.我不知道他为什么今天脾气这么坏。She was in one of her moods (= one of her regular periods of being angry or impatient).她心情又不好了。to be in a bad / foul / filthy / terrible mood情绪不佳/很差/很坏/极糟 see also mood mood , moody moody sulk [countable] (BrE also the sulks [plural]) a period of being silent and bad-tempered because you are annoyed about sth 生闷气;愠怒Jo was in a sulk upstairs.乔在楼上生闷气。Ed's got the sulks again.埃德又生闷气了。 see also sulk brood verb , sulky irritable huff [countable] (informal) a period of being bad-tempered, especially because sb has annoyed or upset you 怒气冲冲,生气(尤指被人惹恼或烦乱所致)She went home in a huff.她怒气冲冲地回家了。


cheerful ♦︎ bright ♦︎ cheery ♦︎ jolly ♦︎ in a good moodThese words all describe people who feel happy and show this in their behaviour. 这些词均表示高兴的、快乐的、开心的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a cheerful / bright / cheery / jolly facea cheerful / cheery / jolly person / mannerin a cheerful / cheery / jolly / good moodbright and cheerful / cheery / jolly cheerful happy and showing it in your behaviour or expression 快乐的;高兴的;喜形于色的She tried to sound cheerful and unconcerned.她试图让自己的声音显得快活而自然。You're not your usual cheerful self today.你今天不像往常那么高兴。She wrote him a chatty, cheerful letter.她给他写了一封亲切活泼的信。OPP gloomy depressed , miserable unhappy 1 cheerfully


He waved cheerfully at them and hurried on.他高兴地冲他们挥手,继续往前赶路。She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all (= she wasn't afraid to admit it).她坦承自己毫无经验。
bright (of a person or their expression) cheerful and lively (人或表情)愉快活泼的He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy.他感到非常高兴,充满活力。His face was bright with excitement.他兴奋得容光焕发。 brightly


'Hi!' she called brightly.“嗨!”她轻快地招呼道。
NOTE 辨析 Cheerful or bright?When describing people, bright is used in the phrase bright and cheerful or after the verbs to be or to feel. 形容人时,bright用于bright and cheerful短语中或动词be或feel之后I was not feeling very bright that morning.我那天早上心情不是很愉快。You can say a cheerful boy/girl but a bright boy/girl is intelligent, not cheerful. 表示快乐的男孩/女孩可用a cheerful boy/girl;但a bright boy/girl指聪明的男孩/女孩,而不是快乐的男孩/女孩。 see also bright intelligent
cheery (informal, especially spoken) (of a person or their manner) cheerful (人或举止)高兴的,兴高采烈的He left with a cheery 'See you again soon.'他高兴地说了声“希望早日再见到你”就离开了。 cheerily


jolly (rather informal) (of a person or their manner) cheerful (人或举止)高兴的,兴高采烈的The manager was fat and jolly.那个经理胖胖的,乐呵呵的。He had a round, jolly face.他长着一张圆圆的、快乐的笑脸。 in a ˌgood ˈmood


(of a person) feeling happy so that you behave well to other people, usually because sth good has happened to you (人)心情好He was not in a good mood with her.他跟她在一起心情不是很好。This announcement put the fans in a good mood.这项公告让爱好者们心情舒畅。




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