

单词 olect_come up with sth_0
come up with sth

phrasal verb

 See also the entry for invent 另见invent条come up with sth ♦︎ devise ♦︎ conceive ♦︎ work sth out ♦︎ hatch ♦︎ hit on/upon sth ♦︎ think sth up ♦︎ dream sth upThese words all mean to think of an idea, plan or solution. 这些词均表示想出主意、计划或方法。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to come up with / devise / conceive / work out / hatch / hit on / think up / dream up a plan / schemeto come up with / conceive / hatch / hit on / think up / dream up an idea / the idea of doing sthto come up with / devise / conceive / work out / think up / dream up a system / theoryto come up with / devise / conceive / work out a strategyto come up with / devise / work out / hit on / think up a way of doing sthto come up with / devise / work out / hit on a method / formula / meansto come up with / devise / work out a solutionto come up with / work out an answerto come up with / think up / dream up an excuse ˌcome ˈup with sth

phrasal verb

(came, come) [no passive] (rather informal) to think of or produce an idea, plan or solution 想出,提出(主意、方案或解决方法)He's come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car.他想出了一个很不错的太阳能汽车设计方案。She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times.她相信她提出了当代最伟大的一项创新。
devise / /dɪˈvaɪz/ / [transitive] to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth 发明;设计(新事物);想出(新方法)Scientists have devised a method of recycling the contaminated oil.科学家想出了回收利用污油的办法。All the recipes in this book have been devised by our team of experts.本书的所有菜谱均由我们的专家团队设计。 conceive / /kənˈsiːv/ / ( conceive of sth) [transitive] (formal) to form an idea or plan in your mind 想出(主意或计划)He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.他想出了一个把旧发电站改造为艺术中心的主意。They conceived of a theory and stuck to it.他们构想出一个理论并为之坚持下去。 ˌwork sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to think of a plan, a solution or a way of doing sth 想出(计划、解决方法或做法)I've worked out a new way of doing it.我想出了做这事的一个新方法。
hatch [transitive] (rather informal) to think of a plan or idea, especially in secret 策划;(尤指)密谋Rebel MPs are hatching a secret plot to oust the prime minister.反对派下院议员正在密谋废黜首相。Have you been hatching up a deal with her?你是不是在和她密谋什么交易? ˈhit on sth ˈhit upon sth

phrasal verb

(hitting, hit, hit) [no passive] (rather informal) to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance (突然或偶然)想出(好主意)She hit on the perfect title for her new novel.她灵机一动为自己的新小说想到一个绝妙的书名。
ˌthink sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(thought, thought) (rather informal) to think of an idea, plan or excuse (= a reason to explain your behaviour) 想出(主意、方案或借口)Can't you think up a better excuse than that?难道你就想不出一个比那更好的借口?
ˌdream sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(dreamt, dreamt or dreamed, dreamed) (rather informal) to think of an idea, especially a very unusual or silly one 凭空想出,虚构出(尤指荒诞不经的事)Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this!就知道你会想出这种荒唐的主意来!




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