例句 |
frequentadjective appearing or occurring repeatedly from time to timeour local multiplex usually has frequent showings of blockbusters, with starting times about every half hour constant, habitual, periodic, periodical, regular, repeated, steady continual, intermittent, recurrent, recurringcyclic(or cyclical)around-the-clock, hourly, round-the-clock, 24-7(or 24/7)chronic, confirmed, inveterateexpected, usual inconstant, infrequent, irregular episodic(also episodical), occasionalunexpected, unusual often observed or encounteredfinches are frequent sights in this part of the country common, common or garden(chiefly British), commonplace, everyday, familiar, garden-variety, household, ordinary, quotidian, routine, ubiquitous, usual normal, regular, standardde rigueur, mandatory, obligatorygeneral, universalceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, incessant, unceasingendemic, popular, prevailing, prevalent, rampantperennial, recurrent, repeated a dime a dozen extraordinary, infrequent, rare, seldom, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual aberrant, abnormal, irregular, unnaturalintermittent, occasional, sporadic frequentverbto go to or spend time in oftenlike their counterparts elsewhere, the town's teenagers like to frequent the local malls affect, habituate, hang (at), haunt, resort (to), visit patronizeattend, take ininfest, invade, overrun, swarmcall (on or upon), drop by, drop in, pop (in), run (in), stop (in or by)camp (out in), sojourn (at), stay (at), stop (over), tarry (in) avoid, shun dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake in the 15th century |