例句 |
friableadjective having a texture that readily breaks into little pieces under pressuresand dollars are friable, so handle them carefully brickle(dialect), brittle, crisp, crispy, crumbly, embrittled, flaky(also flakey), short crackly, crisped, crispened, crunchy, crustybreakable, delicate, fragile elastic, flexible, pliable, pliant, resilientstrong, sturdy, tough fragile, frangible, brittle, crisp, friable mean breaking easily.fragile implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling.a fragile antique chair frangible implies susceptibility to being broken without implying weakness or delicacy.frangible stone used for paving brittle implies hardness together with lack of elasticity or flexibility or toughness.brittle bones crisp implies a firmness and brittleness desirable especially in some foods.crisp lettuce friable applies to substances that are easily crumbled or pulverized.friable soil in 1563 |