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neednoun a state of being without something necessary, desirable, or usefulwhen it came time to wrap the presents, he found he was in need of adhesive tape absence, lack, needfulness, want deficiency, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiencydearth, meagerness, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarceness, scarcity, shortage, skimpinessdefect, minusdeprivation, famishment, privationdemand, essential, necessity, requirement, requisite adequacy, enough, sufficiencyfund, pool, stock, supplyexcess, fill, overabundance, oversupply, plenty, surfeit, surplushoard, stockpile something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidablegot a job that barely provided for his basic needs condition, demand, essential, must, must-have, necessary, necessity, needful, requirement, requisite, sine qua non precondition, prerequisiteadvantage, edge, plusdesideration, desideratum, wish nonessential, nonnecessity amenity, comfort, extra, extravagance, frill, indulgence, luxury, superfluity, surplus, surplusage something one must do because of prior agreementno need to apologize burden, charge, commitment, devoir, do(archaic), duty, imperative, incumbency, obligation, office, responsibility oath, pledge, promise, troth, vow, wordarrangement, prearrangement, setupcompact, contract, covenant, pact, trustdebt, payment, tributecompulsion, constraint, restraintmust, requirementcoercion, duress, forceappointment, engagement, reservationonus grace, postponement, staydischarge, ease, exemption, release, relief, waiverloopholealternative, choice, option, pick, preference, selection the state of lacking sufficient money or material possessionsdonating money to help those in need beggary, destituteness, destitution, impecuniosity, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, necessity, neediness, pauperism, penuriousness, penury, poorness, poverty, want gutter, misery, woe, wretchednessexigencyemergency, rainy dayausterity, deprivation, privationbankruptcy, insolvencybelt-tightening, pinching, straitening affluence, opulence, richness, wealth, wealthiness luxury, prosperity needverbto have as a requirementa national crisis that needs a strong leader to solve it bear, challenge, claim, demand, necessitate, require, take, want, warrant entail, involveask, beg, clamor (for), cry (for)hurt (for), lackcommand, enjoin, exact, insist, press, quest, stipulate call for have, hold own, possess to be under necessity or obligation toyou need not stand when she enters the room have (to), must, ought (to), shall, should will before the 12th century |