

单词 vantages
例句 vantagesnounpl. of vantage

the more favorable condition or position in a competitionthe vantage had all been ours for the first half of the contest

advantages, betters, bulges, catbird seats, drops, edges, high grounds, inside tracks, jumps, pulls, steads, upper hands, whip hands

allowances, head starts, leads, legs up, margins, odds, startsascendancies(also ascendencies), commands, dominances, masteries, predominances, superiorities, supremacies, transcendences, transcendenciesprecedences, preferences, prerogatives, privileges, senioritiesbreaks, footholds, opportunitiesbenefits, blessings, boons, felicities, godsends, mannas, windfalls

coigns of vantage

disadvantages, drawbacks, handicaps, liabilities, minuses, penalties, strikes

detriments, strangleholdsdisparities, imbalances, inequalitiesdisabilities, failings, impairments, shortcomingsbars, catches, checks, clogs, crimps, embarrassments, hindrances, hitches, hurdles, impediments, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, rubs, shackles, stops, trammelslurches, setbacks





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