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give-and-takesnounpl. of give-and-take an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issuea give-and-take about what we should do Saturday night argumentations, arguments, argy-bargies(chiefly British), back-and-forths, colloquies, confabs, confabulations, conferences, consultations, consults, councils, counsel, debates, deliberations, dialogues(also dialogs), discussions, palavers, parleys, talks bull sessions, chat rooms, forums(also fora), meetings, powwows, roundtables(or less commonly round tables), seminars, skull sessions(also skull practices), symposia(or symposiums), talkathonschats, conversations, raps, wordsdiscourses, disquisitionsconsultancies, negotiations, pourparlers the act or practice of each side giving up something in order to reach an agreementnegotiating the terms of the deal will require some give-and-take on both sides accommodations, compromises, concessions, negotiations haggles, horse tradesaccords, arrangements, bargains, concurrences, consensuses, deals, understandingsagreements, settlementsmediations, treaties |