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cerebraladjective much given to learning and thinkinga very cerebral jurist who has given much thought to what makes our nation's constitution work blue, eggheaded, geeky, highbrow, highbrowed, intellectual, intellectualist, intellectualistic, long-haired(or longhair), nerdish, nerdy cultivated, culturedmiddlebrowerudite, learned, literate, polyhistoric, polymath(or polymathic), scholarly, well-readacademic(also academical), bookish, professorialdidactic, high-toned, hyperintellectual, pedantichigh-hat, snobbish, snobby, snootyeducated, schooledbrainy, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, quick-witted, smart anti-intellectual, lowbrow, nonintellectual, philistine uncultivated, unculturedignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unlettered, unreaddumb, foolish, idiotic(also idiotical), moronic, slow, stupid, unintelligentbenighted, unenlightened of or relating to the minda young man given more to cerebral pursuits than to sporting activities inner, intellectual, interior, internal, mental, psychological(also psychologic) cognitive, conscious, epistemic, knowingnoeticpsychic(also psychical), telepathicalert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, quick-witted, rational, reasoning, sharp, sharp-witted, smart, thinking nonmental bodily, carnal, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, physical, somaticunconsciousbrainless, dense, doltish, dopey(also dopy), fatuous, half-witted, mindless, obtuse, simple, slow-witted, stupid, thick, thickheaded, unintelligent, weak-minded, witless in 1801 |