例句 |
greaseverb to coat (something) with a slippery substance in order to reduce frictionmake sure you grease the pan before you put the batter in lubricate, oil, slick, wax bathe, douse(also dowse), drench, soak, souse, wash, water, wet coarsen, rough, roughendehydrate, dry, parch, sear to free from obstruction or difficultyyour help might grease the complicated adoption proceedings ease, facilitate, loosen (up), smooth, unclog accelerate, expedite, hasten, hurry, quicken, rush, speedadvance, forward, further, promoteabet, aid, assist, help, improvedisentangle, straighten (out), untanglesimplify, streamline pave the way (for) complicate hinder, impederetardaggravate, worsenperplex, sophisticate in the 13th century |