例句 |
megastarsnounpl. of megastar a person who is widely known and usually much talked abouteven a cast of megastars couldn't keep the would-be blockbuster from fizzling at the box office causes célèbres(also causes celebres), celebrities, celebs, figures, icons(also ikons), lights, luminaries, names, notabilities, notables, notorieties, personages, personalities, somebodies, standouts, stars, superstars, VIPs favorites, heartthrobs, heroes, idolsdemigods, dignitaries, eminences, immortals, monuments, pillars, worthiesbarons, big shots, bigwigs, kahunas, magnates, moguls, nabobs, panjandrums(also panjandra) nobodies, noncelebrities lightweights, mediocritieshas-beens |