例句 |
menacenoun something that may cause injury or harma loaded gun is a menace that this household doesn't need danger, hazard, imminence, peril, pitfall, risk, threat, trouble snare, trapbooby trap guard, protection, safeguard, shield, wardasylum, harbor, haven, refuge, retreat, shelter menaceverbto place in dangermenaced the children by leaving them in the car unattended adventure, compromise, endanger, gamble (with), hazard, imperil, jeopard, jeopardize, peril, risk, venture intimidate, threatenexposesubjectchance, wager guard, protect, shelter, shieldpreserve, resume, save to remain poised to inflict harm, danger, or distress onstockpiles of nuclear weapons that continue to menace the inhabitants of this planet hang (over), hover (over), impend (over), overhang, threaten endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, peril in the 14th century |