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hard-bittenadjective able to withstand hardship, strain, or exposurea hard-bitten Apache chief who could endure the scorching heat of the Arizona desert cast-iron, hard, hardened, hardy, inured, rugged, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, toughened, vigorous flinty, leathery, resilient, stalwartdurable, enduring, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, permanent, stable, staunch(also stanch), staying, tenacious, unyieldingflourishing, prospering, thrivingable-bodied, brawny, muscularfit, fortified, hale, healthy, husky, lusty, red-blooded, robust, sound, strapping, virileannealed, seasoned, tempered delicate, nonhardy, soft, tender, weak emasculated, enervated, enfeebled, exhausted, run-down, sapped, wasted, weakened, worn, worn outcrippled, debilitated, diseased, incapacitated, infirm, unsoundfragile, frail, punyresistless, sensitive, susceptible, unresistant, vulnerable, yieldingmortal, perishable, temporary, transient in 1686 |