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compassesnounpl. of compass a guiding or motivating purpose or principlea young go-getter who lost his moral compass in the course of his quest for fame and fortune cynosures, directions, foci(also focuses), lodestars(also loadstars), polestars benchmarks, criteria(also criterions), grades, marks, measures, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticksaims, ambitions, aspirations, dreams, goals, intentions, objectives, objects, purposes, targets an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extendswithin the compass of my voice ambits, amplitudes, breadths, confines, dimensions, extents, ranges, reaches, realms, scopes, sweeps, widths gamuts, spectra(or spectrums), spreadsbailiwicks, circles, demesnes, departments, disciplines, domains, elements, fiefdoms, fiefs, fields, provinces, regions, specialties, spheres, terrainsfrontiershorizons, panoramas the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethingwithin the compass of the city walls borderlines, borders, boundaries, bounds, brims, circumferences, confines, edges, edgings, ends, frames, fringes, hems, margins, perimeters, peripheries, rims, skirtings, skirts, verges ambitsbrinks, crests, curbs, cusps, lipsceilings, maxima(or maximums)demarcations, extents, limitations, measures, meres, restrictions, terminationsborderlands, frontiers, marches, outskirts, pales, selvageslapsshores centers, cores, heartsinners, insides, interiors, middles, withins compassesverbpresent tense third-person singular of compassto carry through (as a process) to completionattempting more than his modest abilities could compass accomplishes, achieves, brings off, carries off, carries out, commits, does, executes, follows through (with), fulfills(or fulfils), makes, negotiates, performs, perpetrates, prosecutes, pulls off, puts through brings about, effects, effectuates, implementsaces, nailsengages (in), practices(also practises)works (at)reduplicates, reenacts, repeatsactualizes, attains, realizescompletes, ends, finishes, winds up goes through failsskimps, slights, slurs to travel completely aroundthe great age of exploration, when ships of sail compassed the earth circles, circuits, circumnavigates, circumvents, encircles, girdles, orbits, rings, rounds circumambulates, crosses, perambulates, traverses to engage in a secret plan to accomplish evil or unlawful endsthe rebels are compassing the assassination of the king colludes, connives, conspires, contrives, intrigues, machinates, plots, puts up, schemes counterplotsbrews, concocts, cooks (up), devises, hatchesengineers, jockeys, maneuvers, manipulatesdesigns, frames, lays out, maps, plans, shapes to form a circle arounda mysterious isle, compassed by treacherous seas circles, embraces, encircles, encloses(also incloses), encompasses, environs, girdles, girds, rings, surrounds, wreathes circumscribes, closes in, cordons (off), fences (in), hems (in), wallsbesets, besieges, entrenches(also intrenches), invests, swarms to have a clear idea ofthe concept that the earth is billions of years old is one that the average mind struggles to compass appreciates, apprehends, assimilates, beholds, catches, catches on (to), cognizes, comprehends, conceives, cottons (to or on to), deciphers, decodes, digs, discerns, gets, grasps, groks, intuits, knows, makes, makes out, perceives, recognizes, registers, savvies, sees, seizes, senses, tumbles (to), twigs, understands absorbs, digests, takes inrealizesfathoms, penetrates, pierces picks up on misses misapprehends, misconceives, misconstrues, misinterprets, misperceives, misreads, mistakes, misunderstands |