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helpnoun an act or instance of helpingI could use your help getting this tire back on the car abetment, aid, assist, assistance, backing, boost, hand, helping hand, leg up, lift, support advancement, encouragement, facilitation, forwarding, furtherance, furthering, nurturancebenefaction, patronage, promotion, sponsorshipadvice, care, counsel, guidance, mentoringattendance, attention, hand-holding, servicebeneficence, charity, favor, kindness, philanthropyassuagement, palliation, relief, succor hindrance constraint, frustration, inhibition, interference, obstruction, repression, restraintdeterrence, discouragement a thing that helpsthe computer is a great help for writing reports advantage, aid, asset, benefit, boon hand, lift, pick-me-upsupport, sustenanceblessing, godsend, windfallrecourse, refuge, resort, resource disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus constraint, inhibitor, liability, obstacle, obstruction, restraint, stranglehold a body of persons at work or available for workit's so hard to get good help these days force, labor force, manpower, personnel, pool, staff, workforce labor, proletariat, rank and fileband, company, crew, gang, outfit, party, squad, teamemployee(also employe), helper, hireling, workerbloodsupport helpverbto provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an endoffered to help her widowed father when he moved into an apartment abet, aid, assist, back, backstop, prop (up), support advance, ease, facilitate, forward, foster, further, launchchampion, endorse(also indorse), patronize, promote, sponsorattend, care (for), comfort, minister (to), succorsustainbolster, boost, buttress, reinforce(also reenforce)advise, counsel, guide, mentor, nurturebail out, deliver, rescue, saveembolden, encourage, heartenbenefit, favor, oblige, profit, serve bear a hand, to stand one in good stead hinder balk, bar, block, constrain, hamper, handicap, hold back, impede, inhibit, obstruct, restrain, stranglebaffle, foil, frustrate, inconvenience, interfere, oppose, sabotage, thwartdesert, disappoint, fail, let downdiscourage, disheartenrepress, retard, stifle, straiten, stuntdamage, harm, hurt, injure to make more bearable or less severethe new ointment didn't help Josh's sunburn one bit allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe abate, lighten, moderate, soften, tempercure, heal, remedyamend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repairameliorate, better, enhance, enrich, improve, meliorate, perfect, refine aggravate, exacerbate harm, hurt, impair, injureheighten, intensify, sharpen to keep from happening by taking action in advancethey couldn't help the way things turned out avert, forestall, head off, obviate, preclude, prevent, stave off anticipate, providenegate, neutralize, nullifysavebaffle, balk, checkmate, deter, foil, frustrate, thwartbar, block, hamper, hinder, impede, interfere (with), retard, stalldeflect, fend (off), stop, ward (off)avoid, circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake, shirk, shunforbid, inhibit, prohibitarrest, check, halt, stopcompensate (for), counteract, counterbalance, make up (for), offset abet, aid, assistease, facilitate, smooth, unclogadvance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promoteallow, leave, let, permit to provide with something useful or desirablebeing independently wealthy certainly helped him during his years as a struggling young artist advantage, avail, benefit, profit, serve succeed, work (for)aid, assistbetter, improvecontent, delight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfybless hinder, impededamage, harm, hurt, impair, injureafflict, distress, upset to make bettersome minor revisions would help this essay immensely ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, improve, meliorate, perfect, refine, upgrade correct, emend, rectify, reform, remediate, remedyedit, fine-tune, redraft, refurbish, rehab, rehabilitate, revamp, revise, reworkbeef (up), boost, fortify, intensify, reinforce(also reenforce), strengthenfine, hone, polishretouch, touch up worsen damage, endamage, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, tarnish, vitiateblemish, blight, deface, disfigure, flaw, mardiminish, lessen, lower, reduce v.improve, better, help, ameliorate mean to make more acceptable or to bring nearer a standard.improve and better are general and interchangeable and apply to what can be made better whether it is good or bad.measures to further improve the quality of medical care immigrants hoping to better their lot help implies a bettering that still leaves room for improvement.a coat of paint would help that house ameliorate implies making more tolerable or acceptable conditions that are hard to endure.tried to ameliorate the lives of people in the tenements before the 12th century |