例句 |
pedagoguesnounpl. of pedagogue a person whose occupation is to give formal instruction in a schoola pedagogue whose classroom lessons consisted entirely of reading directly from the textbook in a monotone educationists(chiefly British), educators, instructors, preceptors, schoolteachers, teachers headmasters, masters, rectors, schoolmastersheadmistresses, instructresses, mistresses(chiefly British), schoolmarms(or schoolma'ams), schoolmistressescoaches, guides, gurus, preparers, trainersmentors, tutoresses, tutorsdrillmasters, inculcatorsdeans, docents, doctors, dons, professors, profs, regius professorsacademes, academicians, academics, didacts, pedantsgovernesses, homeschoolersinterns(also internes), practice teachers, readers, student teacherscatechists, lecturers, moralizers, preachers |