例句 |
compensationsnounpl. of compensation payment to another for a loss or injurya warehouse worker who received a large compensation for his crippling injury while on the job damages, indemnifications, indemnities, quittances, recompenses, recoupments, redresses, remunerations, reparations, reprisals, requitals, restitutions, satisfactions punitive damages, solatiaamends, atonements, expiationsrefunds, reimbursements, repaymentsadjustments, settlementspunishments, retaliations something (as money) that is given or received in return for goods or servicesfair compensation for his work on the project considerations, payments, pays, recompenses, remittances, remunerations, requitals salaries, stipends, wagesdisbursements, expenditures, outlaysrebates, refundsindemnities, recoupments, redresses, reparations, restitutionsadjustments, settlementsdepositsreimbursements, repaymentsprepaymentsoverpaymentsrentals, rents the act of offering money in exchange for goods or serviceshis generous compensation was greatly appreciated |