例句 |
competitionsnounpl. of competition a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prizea competition between two fierce football rivals bouts, contests, events, games, matches, matchups, meets, sweepstakes(also sweep-stake), tournaments, tourneys athletics, sportsbattles, conflicts, scrimmages, skirmishes, struggles, tugs-of-war, tussleschampionships, nationalsfinals, nightcaps, play-offs, semifinalsderbies, field days, gymkhanas, outingsbiathlons, decathlons, heptathlons, pentathlons, triathlonsmarathons, races, ultramarathonsheats, rounds, runs, setsrallies, volleysround-robins, rubbers, runoffs, sudden deathsdead heats, photo finishes, seesawsclassics one who strives for the same thing as anothertried to analyze his major competition in the tennis tournament challengers, competitors, contenders, contestants, corrivals, rivals archrivalsfinalists, semifinalistsalso-rans, entrants, entries, playersadversaries, antagonists, opponents noncompetitors an earnest effort for superiority or victory over anotherthe intense competition for bragging rights to being the city's best French restaurant ball games, battles, combats, conflicts, confrontations, contentions, contests, dogfights, duels, face-offs, grapples, matches, rivalries, strifes, struggles, sweepstakes(also sweep-stake), tugs-of-war, warfares, wars horse races, nail-bitersshowdownsclashes, collisions, discords, frictionsarguments, controversies, debates, disagreements, disputations, disputes, dissensions(also dissentions), quarrels, rows, wrangles concords, harmonies, peaces |