例句 |
ringernoun one who makes false claims of identity or expertiseno one was more surprised than the defendant when his lawyer turned out to be a ringer charlatan, fake, faker, fakir, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, impostor(or imposter), mountebank, phony(also phoney), pretender, quack, quacksalver, sham copycat, imitator, impersonator, mimicactor, bluffer, counterfeiter, deceiver, dissembler, duper, feigner, misleader, operator, tricksterposeurcozener, defrauder, dodger, fraudster(chiefly British), scammer, scamster, sharper, sharpie(or sharpy), skinner, swindler ace, adept, authority, crackerjack(also crackajack), expert, maestro, master, past master, professional, virtuoso, whiz, wizard something or someone that strongly resembles anotherhe's a dead ringer for his grandfather alter ego, carbon, carbon copy, clone, counterpart, doppelgänger(or doppelganger), double, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, fetch, image, likeness, look-alike, match, mirror image, picture, replica, spit, spitting image, twin Chinese copyeffigy, portrait, portrayalcompanion, fellow, mateequal, equivalentanalogue(or analog), parallel antithesis, converse, opposite, reverse in the 13th century |