例句 |
soupçonnoun a very small amountthe book is filled with cynicism and sarcasm, along with a soupçon of existentialist angst ace, bit, crumb, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, hint, lick, little, mite, nip, ounce, particle, peanuts, ray, scintilla, scruple, shade, shadow, shred, skosh, smack, smell, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), snap, spark, spatter, speck, splash, spot, sprinkling, strain, streak, suspicion, tad, touch, trace hoot, iota, jot, minim, minimum, modicum, semblance, syllable, tittle, vestige, whitatom, dot, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, patch, scrapdash, drop, pinchpart, portion, sectionbite, nibble, tastehandful, scattering, smatter, smatteringdose, shotchip, flake, fragment, shard, shiver, sliver, smithereens, splintertatterclipping, paring, shaving drop in the bucket abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket, bundle, bushel, deal, fistful, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lot, mass, mess, mountain, much, oodles, passel, peck, pile, plenty, potful, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, stack, wad, wealthvolumebonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surpluschunk, hunk, lump, slab in 1766 |