例句 |
with a grain of saltphrase with distrustYou have to take people's advice with a grain of salt, since what's right for some may not be right for others. askance, distrustfully, doubtfully, doubtingly, dubiously, mistrustfully, sideways, skeptically, suspiciously hesitantly, hesitatingly, incredulously, questioningly, quizzically, unbelievinglycharily, guardedly, warilycaptiously, critically, cynically, deprecatingly, disapprovingly, disparagingly, negatively, reproachfully, reproachingly, reprovingly, unfavorablyanxiously, apprehensively, uncomfortably, uneasily trustfully, trustingly approvingly, favorably, positivelyconfidently, sanguinelycredulously, uncritically, unquestioningly |