例句 |
costumingverbpresent participle of costume to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothesthe days when people, costumed in their Sunday best, would parade along the grand avenue on Easter appareling(or apparelling), arraying, attiring, bedecking, caparisoning, clothing, decking (out), doing up, dressing, dressing up, enrobing, garbing, garmenting, getting up, gowning, habiting, investing, rigging (out), robing, suiting, togging (up or out), toileting, vesturing cloaking, frocking, jacketing, mantling, vestingdraping, enswathing, happing(dialect), huddling, swaddling, swathing, wrappingaccoutring(or accoutering), bedighting(archaic), equipping, furnishing, habilitating, outfitting, tailoring, uniformingdressing down, underdressing disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing(archaic) denuding, divesting, uncovering, undraping, unveiling |