例句 |
definingverbpresent participle of define to draw or make apparent the outline ofthe glass skyscraper's sleek silhouette was strikingly defined by the setting sun to its west delineating, outlining, silhouetting, sketching, tracing liningbounding, fringing, margining, skirtingedging, hemming, rimming, trimmingframingcircling, compassing, encircling, girdling, girthing, looping, ringing, rounding, surroundingcharting, diagramming(or diagraming), drawing, mapping (out) to mark the limits ofthe river defines the town on the south bounding, circumscribing, delimiting, demarcating, demarking, limiting, marking (off), terminating controlling, determining, governingdelineating, describing to point out the chief quality or qualities of an individual or groupa woman who is defined by her unswerving loyalty to her friends charactering, characterizing, depicting, describing, portraying, representing categorizing, classifying, pigeonholing, typingcoloring, identifying, indicating, naming, specifyingdistinguishing, individualizing, marking, particularizing, stamping to give the rules about (something) clearly and exactlylet me define the task so that there is no doubt in your minds about what needs to be done laying down, prescribing, specifying decreeing, dictating, ordainingassigning, directing, fixing, setting, settlingarranging, orderingchoosing, selectingadjuring, bidding, charging, commanding, enjoining, instructing, tellingconducting, controlling, governing, leading, managingcoercing, compelling, constraining, forcingobligating, obliging, requiring |