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ideationaladjective dealing with or expressing a quality or ideaideograms are ideational—they are meant to suggest some general idea and not a particular word or phrase abstract, conceptual, ideal, metaphysical, notional, theoretical(also theoretic) conjectural, hypothetical, speculativecosmic(also cosmical), intellectual, mental, spiritualethereal, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, unsubstantialimpalpable, imperceptible, insensible, intangible, invisibleimpractical, romantic, transcendent, transcendental, unreal, utopian, visionary concrete, nonabstract material, physicalappreciable, detectable, discernible(also discernable), noticeable, observable, palpable, perceptible, sensible, substantial, tangible, visibledefined, definite, distinctactual, factual, real in 1853 |