例句 |
avoirdupoisnoun the amount that something weighsthe coach limited his recruiting to linebackers of a certain avoirdupois heaviness, heft, weight bulk, masspoundage, tonnagedeadweightheftiness, massiveness, ponderousness, weightinesssolidity, solidness, substantiality, substantialness the state or quality of being heavytold his patient that he had to do something about his unhealthy avoirdupois and that exercising would be a good start heaviness, heftiness, massiveness, ponderousness, weightiness overweightsolidity, solidness, substantiality, substantialnessbulk, bulkiness, hugenesscumbersomeness lightness, weightlessness airiness, delicacy, ethereality, etherealnessflimsiness, fluffiness, insubstantiality, slightness in the 15th century |