

单词 libelous
例句 libelousadjectiveor libellous

causing or intended to cause unjust injury to a person's good namelibelous statements about a celebrity for which the tabloid was sued

calumnious, defamatory, scandalous, slanderous

erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, off, unsound, untrue, wrongdenigrative, denigratory, depreciative, depreciatory, derogatory, detractive, disparaging, uncomplimentary, unfavorable, unflatteringinvidious, objectionablemaligning, traducing, vilifyinghateful, malevolent, malicious, spiteful

appreciative, complimentary, favorableadulatory, commendatory, eulogistic, hagiographic(also hagiographical), laudatoryaccurate, correct, errorless, factual, right, sound, true, valid

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