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ploysnounpl. of ploy a clever often underhanded means to achieve an endasking me to take her shopping turned out to be a ploy to get me to the surprise party artifices, devices, dodges, fetches, flimflams, gambits, gimmicks, jigs, juggles, knacks, plays, ruses, schemes, shenanigans, sleights, stratagems, tricks, wiles bluffs, end runs, feintschicaneries, cozenages, crafts, crookeries, cunnings, deceptions, duperies, duplicities, fakeries, juggleries, legerdemains, skulduggeries(or skullduggeries), subterfuges, trickeriesfrauds, gaffs, hoaxes, shams, swindlesblinds, fronts, smoke screens sleights of hand a time or instance of carefree funwanted one grand ploy through Europe before settling down and raising a family binges, flings, frisks, frolics, gambols, idylls(also idyls), larks, revels, rollicks, romps, sprees capers, escapades, pranksbenders, brannigans, bums, busts, carouses, souses, splores(Scottish), tootsantics, monkeyshines, shenanigansfield daysfestivities, merriments, merrymakingsenjoyments, indulgences, pleasures, self-indulgencesamusements, diversions, entertainments, recreations |