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zeronoun the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by itanything multiplied by zero comes out to zero aught, cipher, goose egg, naught(also nought), nil, nothing, o, oh, zilch, zip blank, void a person of no importance or influencethose snobs on the cruise ship tried to make me feel like a complete zero cipher, dwarf, half-pint, insect, insignificancy, lightweight, morsel, nobody, nonentity, nothing, nullity, number, pip-squeak, pygmy(also pigmy), shrimp, snippersnapper, twerp, whippersnapper, zilch no-name, noncelebrityleastinferior, mediocrity, obscurityfigurehead, puppetnonperson big shot, big wheel, bigwig, eminence, figure, kahuna, kingpin, magnate, nabob, personage, somebody, VIP chief, head, lead, leadercelebrity, luminary, notable, personality, planet, star, superstarauthority, superiorgreat power, party, power the lowest point or levelafter several dating disasters, my confidence with the opposite sex is at zero bedrock, bottom, depth, nadir, rock bottom abyss, armpit, pit acme, apex, climax, crown, culmination, head, height, high-water mark, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith bloom, flood tide, flower, glory, heydaycrescendo, highcap, ceiling, crest, roof in 1598 |