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stagenoun a level usually raised surfacespoke to the audience from a small stage in front dais, platform, podium, rostrum, stand, tribune altar, bimah(also bima), footpace, pulpitriser, scaffoldbalcony, gallery a portion of a tripthis is only the first stage of the journey lap, leg layover, stopover an individual part of a process, series, or rankingin the last stage of the project chapter, cut, degree, grade, inch, notch, peg, phase, place, point, step angle, aspect, facet, sideamount, measure, planedecrement, increment the public performance of playsdrawn to the stage as a career drama, dramatics, theater(or theatre), theatricals, theatrics boardsacting, footlightsentertainment, showbiz, show businessamusement, distraction, diversion, recreationexhibition, pageant, pageantry, presentation, production, show, spectacle stageverbto bring before the public in performance or exhibitionstaged the full body of Shakespeare's plays in the course of a year carry, give, mount, offer, present display, exhibit, expose, parade, show, show off, unveilpreviewact, impersonate, perform, play, portraydepict, dramatize, enact, render, representextend, proffer, tender come out with in the 14th century |