例句 |
crushnoun a strong but often short-lived liking for another personfondly remembers the crush that she had on a boy one summer long ago infatuation, mash, passion fixation, obsessionaffection, devotion, fondness, lovecraze, fad, rage, vogue a great number of persons or creatures massed togetherthe huge crush in the store must have far exceeded safety limits army, bike(chiefly Scottish), cram, crowd, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, legion, mass, mob, multitude, press, rout, scrum, swarm, throng masses, millions, rabble, rabblement, riffraffgaggleheap, mountain, pilejam, logjam crushverbto cause to become a pulpy massdark-colored grapes that will be crushed to make red wine mash, pulp, squash press, squeezebeat, pound, powder, pulverize to put a stop to (something) by the use of forcethe government is doing everything to crush the latest guerrilla uprising clamp down (on), crack down (on), put down, quash, quell, repress, silence, slap down, snuff (out), squash, squelch, subdue, suppress douse(also dowse), extinguish, put out, quenchsmother, stifle, strangle, throttleannihilate, decimate, demolish, desolate, destroy, devastate, nuke, rub out, ruin, smash, waste, wreckexterminate, obliterate, wipe outconquer, dominate, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, subjugate, vanquish sit on abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop up, supportfoment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir, whip (up)advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promote to reduce to fine particlescrushed the baby's medicine tablet and mixed it with applesauce atomize, beat, bray, comminute, disintegrate, grind, mill, mull, pound, powder, pulverize grate, kibblecrumble, crunchbreak, bust, dash, fracture, fragmentshatter, smash, splintermicronize to subject to incapacitating emotional or mental stressthe terrible news of her death simply crushed the entire family devastate, floor, grind (down), oppress, overcome, overmaster, overpower, overwhelm, prostrate, snow under, swamp, whelm deluge, drown, sinkconfute, defeat, refutebreak, demoralize, distress, disturb, rock, shatter, stagger, throw, unman, unnerve, upset to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents ofafter crushing the grapes, let the skins soak in the juice in order to extract some color to fit (people or things) into a tight spacethe desperate refugees were crushed into the back of the truck cram, crowd, jam, ram, sandwich, shoehorn, squeeze, stuff, wedge fill, heap, jam-pack, load, pack to put one's arms around and press tightlyshe tearfully crushed the child to her breast bear-hug, clasp, embrace, enclasp, enfold, grasp, hug, strain clamp, cling, cradle, grab, grip, holdbosom, embosom, encircle, entwine, envelop, enwindfold, lock, twine, wrapcuddle, fondle, nestle, nuzzle, pat, pet, snuggle, stroke n.crowd, throng, horde, crush, mob mean an assembled multitude.crowd implies a close gathering and pressing together.a crowd gathered throng and horde suggest movement and pushing.a throng of reporters a horde of shoppers crush emphasizes the compactness of the group, the difficulty of individual movement, and the attendant discomfort.a crush of fans mob implies a disorderly crowd with the potential for violence.an angry mob in the 15th century |