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faradjective lasting for a considerable timethe primitive rafts that ancient peoples built for their far journeys across the wide expanses of Oceania extended, great, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out(or long-drawn), long-lived, long-term, marathon aeonian(or aeonic), endless, everlasting, interminable, persistentlongish, overlong, prolonged, protractedpermanentall-day, all-nightmultiday, multiyear brief, little, mini, short, shortish, short-lived, short-term abrupt, suddenabbreviated, condensed, curtailed, shortenedephemeral, fleeting, momentary, transient, transitoryimpermanentshort-range not close in time or spacethe dream of someday sending manned spacecraft to explore the far reaches of our solar system away, deep, distant, far-flung, far-off, faraway, remote, removed apart, devious, isolated, lonesome, nowhere, obscure, odd, outlying, out-of-the-way, retired, secluded, secret, sequestered close, near, nearby, nigh adjacent, adjoining, contiguous faradverbto a great degreethe solid advice that if you can't say something good about a person, it is far better to say nothing at all achingly, almighty, archly, awful, awfully, badly, beastly, blisteringly, bone, colossally, corking, cracking, damn, damned, dang, deadly, desperately, eminently, enormously, especially, ever, exceedingly(also exceeding), extra, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, fiercely, filthy, frightfully, full, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, intensely, jolly, majorly, mightily, mighty, monstrous(chiefly dialect), mortally, most, much, particularly, passing, rattling, real, really, right, roaring, roaringly, seriously, severely, so, sore, sorely, spanking, specially, stinking, such, super, supremely, surpassingly, terribly, that, thumping, too, unco, uncommonly, vastly, very, vitally, way, whacking, wicked, wildly absolutely, altogether, completely, downright, entirely, flat-out, fully, positively, purely, radically, thoroughly, totally, utterly, whollydeeply, profoundlyexceptionally, notably, remarkablyconsiderably, extensively, significantly, substantiallyappreciably, discernibly, markedly, noticeably, obviously, palpably, plainly, visiblyabundantly, plentifullyastronomically, grandly, monstrously, monumentallyexcessively, obscenely, overmuchamazingly, astonishingly, staggeringly a lot, as all get-out, good and little, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhat meagerly, scantilybarely, hardly, just, marginally, minimally, scarcely before the 12th century |