例句 |
indignitynoun an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelingsminor indignities such as intentionally mispronouncing a person's name affront, barb, brickbat, cut, dart, dig, dis(also diss, slang), epithet, gird, insult, name, offense(or offence), outrage, personality, poke, put-down, sarcasm, slap, slight, slur catcall, gibe(or jibe), jeer, mock, quip, sneer, tauntabuse, invective, vituperationdisapproval, opprobriumdisgrace, dishonor, shameattack, criticism, knock, slam, swipetorment, torture accolade, commendation, complimentacclaim, applause, praiseadulation, flattery in 1581 |