例句 |
stick aroundverb to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of timewe stuck around afterwards to help clean up abide, dwell, hang around, remain, stay, tarry await, hang on, hold on, waitdally, dawdle, linger, loiteroutstay, overstay bail, bail out, bug out, buzz (off), clear off(chiefly British), clear out, cut out, depart, exit, get off, go, go off, leave, move, pack (up or off), peel off, pike (out or off), pull out, push off, push on, quit, shove (off), take off, vamoose, walk out abscond, book(slang), decamp, escape, evacuate, flee, fly, get out, run away, scat, scram, skipabandon, desert, forsake, vacate in 1878 |