例句 |
straightwayadverb without delaystraightway, the decorator told us that the old couch had to go bang, directly, forthwith, headlong, immediately, incontinently, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, now, PDQ, plumb, presently, promptly, pronto, right, right away, right now, right off, straight off, straightaway away, freelyanon, momentarily, shortly, soonapace, briskly, fast, fleetly, full-tilt, posthaste, quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, snappily, speedily, swift, swiftlyabruptly, presto, suddenly, unexpectedlyhastily, impetuously, impulsively, rashly, recklesslyexactly, opportunely, punctually, seasonably at once, in no time, off the bat, on a dime, on the double, on the spot slowlylate, tardily in a direct line or coursedisgusted by his coworker's offensive e-mail, he marched straightway to the boss's office to lodge a complaint in the 15th century |