例句 |
inscribingverbpresent participle of inscribe to cut (as letters or designs) on a hard surfacepaid a jeweler to inscribe their names and wedding date on their wedding rings engraving, etching, graving, incising, insculping(archaic) carving, chiseling(or chiselling), sculpting, sculpturingchasing, grooving, indenting, notchingscoring, tracingaffixing, impressing to add (a person) to a list or roll as a participant or memberinscribed the couple in the society of sustaining donors to the museum enrolling, listing, matriculating, registering enlisting, impaneling(or impanelling or empaneling or empanelling), inductingconscripting, drafting, musteringwait-listingbooking, schedulingchecking in delisting checking offexcluding, expelling, expunging, rejectingomitting, overlooking to put (someone or something) on a listinscribed his name on the list of those to be executed cataloging(or cataloguing), enrolling, entering, indexing, listing, putting down, recording, registering, scheduling, slating booking, carding, filing, notingclassifying, compiling, tabulating, tallyingrescheduling deleting |