例句 |
stumbling blocknoun something that makes movement or progress difficultthe only stumbling block to our move across the country was finding someone to adopt our cats balk, bar, block, chain, clog, cramp, crimp, deterrent, drag, embarrassment, encumbrance, fetter, handicap, hindrance, holdback, hurdle, impediment, inhibition, interference, let, manacle, obstacle, obstruction, shackles, stop, trammel catch, hitch, rub, snagbarrier, blockade, blockage, brick wall, stone wallarrest, bit, brake, check, constraint, curb, hobble, rein, restraintembargo, stoppagedelay, holdup, stallburden, cumber, loaddanger, hazard, peril, reefadversity, difficulty, disadvantage, drawback, hardship catalyst, goad, impetus, incentive, spur, stimulant, stimulusadvantage, break, edgeaid, assistance, benefit, boost, handmaiden(also handmaid), help in 1588 |