

单词 delights
例句 delightsnounpl. of delight

a source of great satisfactionthe opportunity for travel was one of the major delights of the couple's golden years

delectations, feasts, gases(also gasses, slang), joys, kicks, mannas, pleasures, treats

amusements, diversions, entertainments, fun, recreationscomforts, reliefs, solacesgratifications, indulgencesambrosias

someone or something that provides amusement or enjoymentwith his great sense of humor and bubbly personality, he is a delight to be around

distractions, diversions, divertissements, entertainments, fun, pleasures, recreations

escapes, pastimes, time killersbinges, flings, frolics, gambols, larks, revels, rollicks, romps, spreesconvivialities, festivities, gaieties(also gayeties), hilarities, jollifications, jollities, merrymakings, revelings(or revellings), revelries, whoopeespicnicslaughs, riots, screamsactivities, games

bores, bummers, downers, drags

killjoys, party poopers

delightsverbpresent tense third-person singular of delight

to feel or express joy or triumphI delighted at the sight of my old schoolyard tormentor standing behind the fast-food counter, asking customers if they wanted fries

crows, exuberates, exults, glories, joys, jubilates, kvells, rejoices, triumphs

gloats, preens, swellsboasts, bragsflaunts, parades, shows off, struts, swaggers

kicks up one's heels

bemoans, bewails, grieves, laments, regrets, weeps

to give satisfaction tothe news that you had won the Pulitzer delighted us beyond words

agrees (with), contents, feasts, gases(or gasses, slang), gladdens, glads(archaic), gratifies, pleases, pleasures, rejoices, satisfies, suits, warms

appeases, mollifies, pacifies, placates, soothesassuages, quenches, sates, satiatesexcites, tickles, titillatesamuses, diverts, entertains, treatscaptivates, charmsgalvanizes, thrillscalms, comfortscaters (to), humors, indulgescoddles, mollycoddles, pampers, spoils


aggravates, annoys, bothers, bugs, chafes, crosses, exasperates, galls, gets, grates, irks, irritates, nettles, peeves, perturbs, piques, puts out, ruffles, vexesangers, enrages, incenses, inflames(also enflames), infuriates, maddens, outrages, rankles, riles, roils, steams upprovokes, rousesagitates, distresses, disturbs, frets, upsetsharasses, harries, pestersaffronts, insults, offends





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