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demandnoun something that someone insists upon havingagreed to the customer's demand for a refund claim, dun, importunity, requisition, ultimatum desire, request, want, wishdrive, need, requirement, stipulationbasic, essential, mustimpositioncondition, provision the state of being sought after especially for purchasea steadily declining demand for film cameras something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidablewe are very confident that our new employee is fully equal to the demands of the job condition, essential, must, must-have, necessary, necessity, need, needful, requirement, requisite, sine qua non precondition, prerequisiteadvantage, edge, plusdesideration, desideratum, wish nonessential, nonnecessity amenity, comfort, extra, extravagance, frill, indulgence, luxury, superfluity, surplus, surplusage demandverbto ask for (something) earnestly or with authoritythe losing party demanded a recount of the votes cast in the election call (for), claim, clamor (for), command, enjoin, exact, insist (on), press (for), quest, stipulate (for) ask, plead (for), request, wantcry (for), necessitate, need, require, take, warrantrequisitionimposebadger, dun, harass, hound give up, relinquish, surrender, yield to have as a requirementa task that demands one's unremitting attention bear, challenge, claim, necessitate, need, require, take, want, warrant entail, involveask, beg, clamor (for), cry (for)hurt (for), lackcommand, enjoin, exact, insist, press, quest, stipulate call for have, hold own, possess to set or receive as a pricesuperstars of the big screen who demand millions for appearing in a movie ask, charge, command overcharge, underchargebring, fetch, sell (for)discount, mark down, mark upassess, bill, invoiceprice, value v.demand, claim, require, exact mean to ask or call for something as due or as necessary.demand implies peremptoriness and insistence and often the right to make requests that are to be regarded as commands.demanded payment of the debt claim implies a demand for the delivery or concession of something due as one's own or one's right.claimed the right to manage his own affairs require suggests the imperativeness that arises from inner necessity, compulsion of law or regulation, or the exigencies of the situation.the patient requires constant attention exact implies not only demanding but getting what one demands.exacts absolute loyalty in the 13th century |