例句 |
arbitraryadjective having or showing a tendency to force one's will on others without any regard to fairness or necessityan arbitrary piano teacher who makes all her students do the same exercises over and over again dictatorial, high-handed, imperious, peremptory, willful(or wilful) arrogant, commanding, demanding, dominant, domineering, haughty, imperative, lordly, masterful, overbearing, presumptuousauthoritarian, autocratic(also autocratical), despotic, totalitarian, tyrannical(also tyrannic), tyrannouscapricious, changeable, erratic, inconsistent, mercurial, whimsicalbiased, inequitable, partisan, prejudiced, unequal, unfair, unjust, unrealistic, unreasonableunconscionable, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous balanced, disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objectiverational, reasonable, understandingunbiased, unprejudicedethical, honorable, irreproachable, law-abiding, moral, principled, unimpeachable lacking a definite plan, purpose, or patternthe order of the names of the 10 semifinalists is entirely arbitrary aimless, catch-as-catch-can, desultory, erratic, haphazard, helter-skelter, hit-or-miss, random, scattered, slapdash, stray accidental, casual, chance, chancy, contingent, fluky(also flukey), fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, lucky, unconsidered, unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditatedscattershot, shotgunirregular, odd, sporadic, spotdirectionless, objectless, purposelessindiscriminate, unsystematicundirecteddisorderly, disorganizedundiscriminating, unselective methodical(also methodic), nonrandom, orderly, organized, regular, systematic, systematized established, fixed, regular, set, stable, steadyconstant, continuous, evenarranged, managed, orchestrated, ordered, plannedaware, conscious, deliberate, purposeful, thoughtful, willful(or wilful) exercising power or authority without interference by othersa nation with no tradition of democracy, only a long history of arbitrary rulers absolute, autocratic(also autocratical), czarist(also tsarist or tzarist), despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical(also tyrannic), tyrannous authoritarian, jackbooted, oppressive, totalitarianantidemocratic, antirepublicanhigh-handed, magisterialdomineering, imperious, masterfulall-powerful, almighty, omnipotentautonomous, self-governing, self-ruling, sovereign(also sovran)unconditional, unlimited limited circumscribed, restrained, restrictedconstitutional, lawfuldemocratic, republican in the 15th century |