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depositnoun matter that settles to the bottom of a body of liquida deposit of silt on the river bed deposition, dregs, grounds, precipitate, sediment, settlings leesooze, silt, sludgedross, slag, waste a collection of things kept available for future use or needa deposit of ammunition under lock and key cache, hoard, reserve, store budget, fund, nest eggarmory, arsenal, bank, pool, reservoir, stock, stockpile, supplyaccumulation, assemblage, collection, gathering a sum of money set aside for a particular purposemade a deposit at the bank every week account, budget, fund, kitty, nest egg, pool chest, coffer(s)assets, savings, savings accountbankroll, cache, collection, cushion, hoard, pocketbook, reserve, treasurepetty cash, pin money, pocket money, spending money depositverbto put in an accountwe quickly deposited the check in a bank account bank cache, hoard, lay away, reserve, salt away, save, squirrel (away), stash, store, stowinvest withdraw remove, take outdisburse, expend, give, lay out, pay, spend to arrange something in a certain spot or positiondeposited their luggage at the foot of the hotel bed depose, dispose, emplace, fix, lay, place, position, put, set, set up, situate, stick move, rearrange, reorder, shiftorientestablish, locate, plant, settleclap, flop, plank, plop, plump, plunk(or plonk), plunk down, slapensconce, nicheassemble, collectcarryberth, parkaffix, anchor, lock, lodge, wedgearray, lay out, line up, queue, rankset down relocate, remove, takebanishdislodge, displace, replace, supersede, supplant in 1621 |