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devicenoun a clever often underhanded means to achieve an endused every device and stratagem he knew to prevent his son's marriage artifice, dodge, fetch, flimflam, gambit, gimmick, jig, juggle, knack, play, ploy, ruse, scheme, shenanigan, sleight, stratagem, trick, wile bluff, end run, feintcheating, chicanery, cozenage, craft, crookery, cunning, deception, dupery, duplicity, fakery, jugglery, legerdemain, skulduggery(or skullduggery), subterfuge, swindling, trickeryfraud, gaff, hoax, sham, swindleblind, front, smoke screen sleight of hand an article intended for use in workthe salesclerk tried to sell me a new device for grooming cats implement, instrument, tool, utensil apparatus, appliance, mechanismcontraption, contrivance, gadget, gizmo(also gismo), jiggeraccessory(also accessary), accoutrement(or accouterment), adjunct, appendage, attachment devices pl.a habitual attraction to some activity or thingleft to her own devices she'd eat at a fast-food restaurant every night of the week affection, affinity, aptitude, bent, bias, bone, disposition, genius, habitude, impulse, inclination, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency, turn favor, one-sidedness, partisanship, prejudiceendowment, faculty, flair, gift, knack, talentaddiction, appetite, fancy, fondness, like, liking, preference, tasteforte, speciality, specialtyconvention, custom, habit, pattern, practice(also practise), routine, trick, way, wonteccentricity, idiosyncrasy, kink, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity allergy, averseness, aversion, disfavor, disinclination, dislike, disliking, disrelish, distastedetachment, impartiality, neutrality, objectivityapathy, disinterestedness, indifference, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern in the 14th century |