例句 |
sum-upnoun a short statement of the main pointsa sum-up of the main themes of the Romantic movement abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, epitome, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé(or resume also resumé), roundup, run-through, rundown, sum, summa, summarization, summary, summing-up, synopsis, wrap-up abbreviation, abridgment(or abridgement), compend, compendium, condensation, curtailment, shorteningsimplification, streamliningrehash, repriseconclusion, epilogue(also epilog) amplification, enlargement, expansionaddendum, supplement sum upverbto make into a short statement of the main points (as of a report)in summing up the evidence against the defendant, the district attorney presented fact after damning fact abstract, boil down, brief, digest, encapsulate, epitomize, outline, recap, recapitulate, reprise, summarize, synopsize, wrap up abridge, condense, curtail, cut back, shortendownsize, shrinkconcentrate, consolidatedecoct, essentializesimplify, streamline elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protractamplify, elaborate (on or upon), enlarge (on or upon), expand, supplement in the 15th century |