例句 |
dimensionnoun the total amount of measurable space or surface occupied by somethingthe mansion is great in dimension and can easily be converted into a B and B bulk, extent, magnitude, measure, measurement, proportion, size areacapaciousness, commodiousness, roominess, spaciousnessampleness, amplitude, bigness, bulkiness, enormousness, grandness, greatness, grossness, heftiness, hugeness, immenseness, immensity, largeness, mass, massiveness, monstrousness, stupendousness, tremendousness, vastness, volume, voluminousness dimensions pl.an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extendsthe vast dimensions of the subject will require years of study ambit, amplitude, breadth, compass, confines, extent, range, reach, realm, scope, sweep, width gamut, spectrum, spreadbailiwick, circle, demesne, department, discipline, domain, element, fief, fiefdom, field, province, region, specialty, sphere, terrainfrontierhorizon, panorama in the 14th century |