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judiciousadjective having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speecha good teacher who knows how to give judicious criticism as well as praise discreet, intelligent, judgmatic(or judgmatical), prudent cautious, chary, circumspect, cozyforehanded, foresighted, foresightful, forethoughtfuldiscerning, discriminating, sage, sane, sapient, senseful, sensible, wisecanny, providentastute, perspicacious, sagacious, shrewd imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious careless, heedless, incautious, rashimprovident, shortsightedfoolish, unwise suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstancesI'll ask for the raise at a time I deem most judicious advisable, desirable, expedient, politic, prudent, tactical, wise advantageous, beneficial, profitableuseful, utilitarianfeasible, possible, practicable, practicalopportune, seasonable, timelyopportunistic, self-seeking impolitic, imprudent, inadvisable, inexpedient, injudicious, unwise impractical, profitless, unfeasible, unprofitableinopportune, unseasonable, untimely wise, sage, sapient, judicious, prudent, sensible, sane mean having or showing sound judgment.wise suggests great understanding of people and of situations and unusual discernment and judgment in dealing with them.wise beyond his tender years sage suggests wide experience, great learning, and wisdom.the sage advice of my father sapient suggests great sagacity and discernment.the sapient musings of an old philosopher judicious stresses a capacity for reaching wise decisions or just conclusions.judicious parents using kindness and discipline in equal measure prudent suggests the exercise of restraint guided by sound practical wisdom and discretion.a prudent decision to wait out the storm sensible applies to action guided and restrained by good sense and rationality.a sensible woman who was not fooled by flattery sane stresses mental soundness, rationality, and levelheadedness.remained sane even in times of crises in 1591 |