

单词 juncture
例句 juncturenoun

a particular and often important moment in timeat the present juncture, I think the country is looking for a strong president


beat, crack, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, nanosecond, second, shake, split second, tick, trice, twinkle, winkbit, spell, stretch, whilebrink, cusp, nick, threshold, vergecrisis, crunch time, wire

moment of truth

a place where two or more things are unitedthe water is leaking at the juncture of those two pipes

connection, coupling, join, joining, joint, jointure, junction

link, nexus, tieinterconnection, intersectionabutment, articulation, attachmentseam, sutureconcourse, confluence, meetingunion

cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, gap, rift, separation

a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive actionwe have now arrived at a juncture where something must be done to avert war

boiling point, breaking point, clutch, conjuncture, crisis, crossroad(s), crunch, crunch time, Dunkirk, emergency, exigency, extremity, flash point, head, tinderbox, zero hour

contingency, possibilityclimax, turning pointhappening, landmark, milestonecondition, pass, situation, straitdeadlock, impasse, stalematecorner, fix, hole, hot water, jam, last ditch, pinch, predicament, scrape, spoteleventh hour, last minute

moment of truth, point of no return

juncture, exigency, emergency, contingency, pinch, strait (or straits) crisis mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs.juncture stresses the significant concurrence or convergence of events.an important juncture in our country's historyexigency stresses the pressure of restrictions or urgency of demands created by a special situation.provide for exigenciesemergency applies to a sudden unforeseen situation requiring prompt action to avoid disaster.the presence of mind needed to deal with emergenciescontingency implies an emergency or exigency that is regarded as possible but uncertain of occurrence.contingency planspinch implies urgency or pressure for action to a less intense degree than exigency or emergency.come through in a pinchstrait, now commonly straits, applies to a troublesome situation from which escape is extremely difficult.in dire straitscrisis applies to a juncture whose outcome will make a decisive difference.a crisis of confidence

in the 14th century





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