例句 |
swainsnounpl. of swain a male romantic companiona romanticized portrait of a bygone era of beauteous Southern belles and their gallant swains beaux(or beaus), boyfriends, boys, fellows, men, old men admirers, crushes, steadiesgallants, suitors, wooersbeloveds, darlings, dears, favorites, flames, honeys, lovers, loves, significant others, soul mates, sparkers, sparks, squeezes(slang), sweethearts, sweetie pies, sweeties, sweets, valentinesfancy men, gigolosdates, escortsgrooms, husbandsfiancés, intendeds a man who courts a woman usually with the goal of marrying herGrandma claims that she had several swains pursuing her, but it was only Grandpa who won her heart gallants, suitors, wooers beaux(or beaus), boyfriends, fellows, men, old men, significant others, squeezes(slang)admirers, crushes, steadiesbeloveds, darlings, dears, favorites, flames, honeys, lovers, loves, sparks, sweethearts, sweetie pies, sweeties, sweets, valentinesdates, escortsfiancés, intendeds |