例句 |
dispatchesnounpl. of dispatch a message on paper from one person or group to anothera soldier sending daily dispatches to friends and family back home epistles, letters, memorandums(or memoranda), memos, missives, notes billets-doux, open lettersairmails, cards, electronic mails, e-mails, junk mails, mails, postal cards, postcardscommunications, reportsencyclicals a piece of conveyed informationa dispatch from headquarters regarding a change in battle plans communications, messages bulletins, communiqués, expresses(British), reportsmemorandums(or memoranda), memos, noticesepistles, letters, missives, noteselectronic mails, e-mails, voice mailsintelligence, news, tidings, wordscommands, directives, instructions, orders dispatchesverbpresent tense third-person singular of dispatchto cause to go or be taken from one place to anotherdispatched a messenger with urgent news consigns, packs (off), sends, ships, shoots, transfers, transmits, transports conveys, delivers, hands over, passes, rendersadvances, drops, launchesaddresses, forwardsexports, importsbestows, contributes, donates, gives, presentsresends, returns accepts, receives acquires, draws, earns, gains, garners, gets, obtains, procures, secures to deprive of lifethe exterminator dispatched the termites with professional efficiency carries off, claims, croaks(slang), destroys, does in, fells, kills, slays, takes bumps off, butchers, cuts down, finishes, gets, ices(slang), knocks off, murders, neutralizes, offs(slang), puts away, rubs out, scrags, snuffs, takes out, wastes, whacks(slang)annihilates, blots out, decimates, kills off, massacres, mows, slaughters, smitesassassinates, executes, martyrs, terminateseuthanizes(also euthanatizes), puts downsuicides does away with, does for(chiefly British), makes away with animates raises, restores, resurrects, resuscitates, revivesnurtures to put to death deliberatelyduring his reign of terror the dictator dispatched thousands without the slightest qualm assassinates, bumps off, croaks(slang), does in, executes, gets, ices(slang), knocks off, liquidates, murders, neutralizes, offs(slang), puts away, rubs out, slays, snuffs, takes out, terminates, whacks(slang) blows away, shoots, shoots downblots out, carries off, claims, cuts down, destroys, fells, kills, smites, zapsbutchers, massacres, mows (down), slaughtersannihilates, eliminates, eradicates, exterminates, wipes out does away with animates, raises, restores, resurrects, resuscitates, revives to achieve a victory overthey dispatched the other team without breaking a sweat beats, bests, conquers, defeats, does down(British), gets, gets around, licks, masters, overbears, overcomes, overmatches, prevails (over), skunks, stops, subdues, surmounts, takes, trims, triumphs (over), upends, wins (against), worsts sweepsedges (out), noses out, pips(British)annihilates, blows away, blows out, bombs, breaks, buries, clobbers, creams, crushes, drubs, finishes, flattens, overwhelms, routs, shellacs, skins, slaughters, smokes(slang), snows under, thrashes, trounces, upsets, wallops, waxes(slang), whipscaps, excels, flourishes, scores, succeedsknocks off, knocks over, overpowers, overthrows, subjugates, unseats, vanquishesaces (out), betters, eclipses, exceeds, excels, outdistances, outdoes, outfights, outshines, outstrips, overtops, surpasses, tops, transcends gets the better of, knocks for a loop loses (to) falls, gives up, goes down, goes undercollapses, fails, flops, flunks, folds, washes out |