例句 |
kicks offverbpresent tense third-person singular of kick off to take the first step in (a process or course of action)I'll kick off the discussion on ethics with this question begins, commences, embarks (on or upon), enters (into or upon), falls (to), gets off, launches, leads off, opens, starts, strikes (into) creates, generates, inaugurates, initiates, innovates, invents, originatesadopts, embraces, takes on, takes upestablishes, fathers, founds, institutes, organizes, pioneers, sets up, spawnsgets around (to), gets down (to), gets round (to) gets going, gets to, sets about concludes, ends, finishes, terminates ceases, desists, discontinues, halts, knocks off, lays off, quits, stopscloses, completesabandons, forsakes, leavesabolishes, demolishes, destroys, exterminates, extinguishes, phases out slangto stop livingsurprisingly, the recluse was worth a cool million when he kicked off checks out, conks (out), croaks(slang), deceases, demises, departs, dies, drops, ends, exits, expires, falls, flatlines, goes, kicks in(slang), parts, passes away, passes (on), pegs out(chiefly British), perishes, pops off, steps out, succumbs predeceasesconsumes, disappears, dries up, fades, fails bites the dust, buys it(or buys the farm), gives up the ghost, kicks the bucket, snuffs it(British) breathes, lives comes to, reviveslingersexists, is, subsistsflourishes, prospers, thrives |